Chapter 1

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Gimli was really confused.  Harry was taking him to the Ministry, but Gimli had not any idea of what the fuck was the Ministry.  "I think we haven't been presented in the right way." Harry said in a sympathetic tone. "I'm Harry Potter, the best auror in the Ministry of Magic. And what's your name?"  "My name is Gimli son of Gloin." repeated Gimli in a proud voice.  "And your last name?" asked Harry.  "My last name is... Well I don't have a real last name. And, by the way, what on earth is the Ministry of Magic?" 

Harry looked at Gimli with a questoning look.'A wizard who doesn't know what the Ministry of Magic is? He must be from another country'.  "Where are you from, little friend?" inquired Harry.  "I am from Middle Earth, and I search for gold with my friends in Erebor, The Lonely Mountain." They entered to a telephone booth.  Harry pushed the little buttons, and Gimli looked at him questoningly.

  "What are they for?" he asked.  "They're to communicate with people."Harry explained."But, if you know the right number, you can use it to transport to the Ministry."Harry raised his eyebrows at this last words. A female voice spoke from nowhere to be seen.  "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. What is your name?" "My name is Harry Potter, and my companion is Gimli son of Gloin." "Welcome, Mister Potter." The woman's voice greeted. Gimli looked at every inch of the telephone booth.  'Where the hell is that voice coming from?', He asked himself.  The telephone booth started to sink into the floor. 

 Gimli looked at Harry with a scared look. "Don't worry." Harry told him in a calm voice.  "This telephone booth is transporting us to the Ministry via magic." Gimli wondered what on earth was a telephone booth.  "When I was a kid," Harry said "Everyone had to had a coin to enter.  Now, the workers' voices are recorded and, if the magical speakers recognize your voice, they let you in."  Gimli really felt totally out of place in this world of magical speakers and weapon-sticks and telephone booths that sunk into the floor.  The only thought crossing his mind was his home and his friends.  He wondered whether he would see them again.

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