Still...Walking Home

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This will be so fun staying at your house. Said Mindy. Then................. All of a sudden a white van pulls up next to us. You won't guess who jumps out. LAUREN'S FATHER. Wait.... I thought you were dead. Said Mindy. I thought so Look Lauren.. As you can see I'm not dead and you and Mindy are coming with me. For what?? said Mindy. I'll explain everything in the van. No I'm not going with you. Said Mindy. Hey, boys.. grab both of them.

**Inside the van**
So what is this all about? Asked Lauren. Okay. So as you already know I'm alive and- Tell us something we already DON'T know. Said Mindy. MINDY..calm down. Yelled Lauren. AS I WAS SAYING, I am a secret agent. Jennifer broke the news to everyone about my death. I don't know how it go to you though. Oh and I need you to stop fighting my wife because she's not at that school for that. Wait what???????? JENNIFER IS YOUR WIFE?? Said Mindy and Lauren. Yes. Said Mr. Williams. I married your mom before I was a secret agent. Then one day while I was at work I was captured. So does this make me a spy too? Asked Lauren. Yes I does make you a spy. But you're working for the good side. And I'm not. So we can't come together at anytime because there'll be consequences. So let me get this straight... Said Mindy. You're married to Jennifer and working for the 'bad side'? Yes. I am Mindy. Said Mr. Williams. The whole family knows I'm alive but they can't speak to me because I chose the bad side. Wow. WHY are you married to Jennifer FATHER? Asked Lauren. When I was captured I noticed a beautiful young-😂😂😂😂😂😂. BEAUTIFUL????? Said Mindy. Yes, beautiful. Anyways... I seen Jennifer and loved her mischievous ways. So I asked her to marry me on the spot and oddly she said 'yes'. So why are we here? Oh yeah. I'm offering you to come to the other side so you could work with me and Jennifer. NAH I'm good. I just found out that I'm a spy AND now you want me to come to the 'other side'. I think I'll pass on that offer. Okay, LAUREN. But remember I'll be back for you and you have NO WAY that you could say no to my offer. Oh. And don't tell anyone else about this whole.. situation. O-kay.

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