''Kendall, quite complaining. You're only living there until your condo's refurbished.'' '' Girls stop arguing!''
There was a movers van parked outside the Moore's home, but Joseph was getting annoyed by the arguing of his daughters. ''Girls, listen. The house has already been bought and this house has already been sold so you can stop with the pity arguments.'' Joseph and Faith's relationship was rocky but he knew she needed his support. She won States Attorney Election but the Presidential Election was going to be ten times harder. It had been decided a few weeks prior to the election night that the Moore's would move to Chicago should she win as that's where Faith's offices would be.
The flight from New York to Chicago was under two hours, yet it seemed like a long flight as Faith spent most of it remembering the memories her family had made in the home they were leaving. This was also helpful so when Kendall moved back into her apartment she could still visit and she would be in close contact with her family. But for the time being, they would all live in the new house. However it wasn't just the Moore's moving. Jason was moving to Illinois to an apartment he was renting from a friend. And Leslie, Leslie had been suffering from depression since her father's death but Faith had convinced her to move into her home with them.
The house was great. Faith was a lot more satisfied that she thought she would be. There was a bedroom each for Leslie, Kendall and Taylor and there was a master suite for Joseph and Faith. It was very practical and they had one week before Taylor would be starting at her new school and Faith and Joseph would be starting their new jobs - prosecuting for Cook County and working in contract law. The first few days of this week was spent unpacking and then Jason decided to start the Presidential campaign.
''I think you need to be humanized. There's some talk about you're supposedly living in a mansion. But...'' Jason looked around the new house ''it's no bigger than your last home.'' Faith laughed, purely because she knew Jason had been lied to about the size of his new apartment. ''How do you plan on humanizing me?'' she laughed. '' By using, Josh's death.''
Silence. It was two days before Josh's funeral and she was being asked to use it for the media attention - Faith was disgusted. '' No.'' Faith replied quite simply. '' Faith'' '' Mrs Moore. I am Mrs Moore to you.'' '' Mrs Moore. You are running for President and you need to gain early support. This, although tragic, is an opportunity for us.'' '' You will not'' replied Faith angrily. ''You will not use the death of my friend as a promotion stunt. Don't you dare.'' She stormed of, leaving an annoyed Jason standing in the kitchen.
It was the day of the funeral. Faith and Leslie had flown back out to New York together the day before to meet with Leslie's mother. Leslie had wanted to be around more to support her mother but she felt the distance and distraction had been good for her. The three women had gone out for food (though none of them ate much) before going back to Mrs Rivers-Carr home (she insisted they all stay at her home.) The morning of the funeral was busy and a struggle for all of them. Faith was zipping up her dress as she felt sickened by the thought of saying goodbye to Josh. She had come to realise there was no way to prepare for the loss of a loved one and, as much as she wanted to admit it - her and Josh would always be unfinished business. Faith just hoped Josh had known how much their shared moments together meant to her.
The black hearse arrived at Mrs Rivers-Carr's home and her and Leslie rode to the church whilst Faith's driver drove her in a separate car. Faith had thought it best to give Leslie and her mother time together, it had been hard with the three of them staying in the same house but she felt Leslie needed to be with her mother. She thought of what it would be like to finally put Josh to rest. Surely it would help her (and everyone) move on but they could never be happy. It's like when a storms over she thought, it's never happiness just a relief.
The service was short and Faith was struggling to show emotion. She wanted to cry, to have a release and show compassion but the things they were saying, the man they were describing just didn't sound like Josh. Hymns were sung and poems were read but none of them sounded like the Josh she knew. They spoke as if he were perfect. But Faith thought he was perfect because of the fact that he wasn't perfect. It was his imperfections which made him perfect to Faith. The way he stuttered when he was nervous and how he wasn't afraid to disagree and argue with her. Josh was perfectly imperfect.
Sorry that this chapter is so much shorter than the rest but the next chapter is much more eventful with Faith having her first day in her Cook County office and her first case in court.
I hope you've been enjoying the story and continue to read
Teen FictionRead the story of how Faith turned her life from a practising lawyer to running for president - I hope you like it