Chapter Sixteen

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''Kendall, your father and I had been having problems for a while. Josh and I, were caught up in this fantasy we were living in. But you don't seem surprised by this.'' Faith was confused by her daughter's lack of reaction but Kendall just laughed.

'' Mom, I thought you were cheating with Jason. Now that I think about it though, Josh makes more sense, he was closer to your age. But Jason is better looking.''

Faith smiled and although she didn't say anything she had a strong feeling her husband Joseph had had some influence in Kendall's opinion.

''I guess I owe Jason an apology. I may or may not have nearly accused him.'' Kendall giggled as her mother smiled and rolled her eyes. Yes, she was in her early twenties but in Faith's eyes she was still the optimistic teenager with the high ambition.

Kendall: Don't worry Jason it's only Kendall. There was a misunderstanding. Sorry.

Jason: Huni, you could have just told me. You're literally sitting opposite to me ;-)

Kendall: Fancy going for drinks when we're stopped in Iowa?

Jason: I'd love it.

When the touring bus pulled up in Iowa there was crowds upon crowds of Faith's supporters. They had banners and flags, some people were wearing t-shirts with her face on them to show their support. Personally, Faith found it very overwhelming but Jason (along with the volunteers) seemed to show no emotion or reaction at all. They must have been used to it, experienced from other campaigns. The noise was loud as Faith stepped of the bus and everyone clapped and cat whistled in support. She met with people of the State, spoke with them, shook their hands and took photos with people.

The sun was shining and everyone was in a good mood, even Jason. They were all impressed by the way Faith was handling the limelight. She was doing well: interacting with children and making small talk with the locals. Everyone loved her.

''Hey, good job today. You did well.'' For the first time since Faith met Jason, he smiled. Not a cheeky grin or anything sly – a genuine smile.

The bus left Iowa at ten o'clock after they had a pizza order delivered – everyone was starving after the long day. The overnight journey to Wisconsin would have them arrive at two in the morning. Faith had expected to feel exhausted but her (and everyone else's) energy levels were soaring. People were laughing and passing around glasses of champagne. There were no meet and greets or other events until the following afternoon. Everyone was making the most of the buzzing atmosphere.

By around half eleven, all the campaign workers and Faith were playing board games and drinking red wine.

''Follow me.'' Amongst the laughter and music Jason whispered in Kendall's ear and they slipped away into the bedroom.

'' Jason what's going on?''

''We never got to have drinks and I thought since everyone else was occupied...''

He twirled her hair and his hand rubbed her should and removed Kendall's jacket which then fell on the floor. He held her cheek in one hand and her waist in his other, he kissed her for the first time.

''That's not fair I was winning!'' chuckled Faith as she put her glass down. They decided to call it a night and rest up before arriving in the neighbouring State. She walked through to say goodnight to her daughter when she noticed the door was ajar. Through the gap Faith was able to see her daughter lying in bed, hand in hand with Jason.

Faith didn't know how to feel, but there was a voice in her head reminding her she had been drinking and to get involved would just embarrass herself. So she left her daughter and her campaign manager fall asleep next to each other, Kendall being held closely in his arms.

Everyone on the bus slept in the next day, some of them feeling very hungover. But there was still work to do and voters to convince. Faith (being the only one not feeling so rough) made pancakes with the assistance of Leslie who joined the bus that morning. She had been visiting some friends on the boarder of Wisconsin and joined the campaign bus a little late.

'' Is everything ok? Faith?''

''Yeah why?''

''Your kind of in a daze. That and the fact you just cracked an egg into your coffee.''

Faith was distracted as Jason and Kendall emerged from the bedroom. Once they were all fed and watered it was time to introduce Faith to the people of Wisconsin.

Just as they did in Iowa, Faith stepped of the bus to be greeted by the locals. But there weren't tens of people, there were hundreds and they weren't cheering- they were shouting and screaming. The crowds were filled with angry protesters, screaming and cursing at Faith. No one knew what to do. She tried to speak but there was little point. Nobody would have heard her. Everyone stood stunned until they rushed back onto the bus as people started throwing things at them.

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