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As Taehyung was punished, he had to stay in on their free time with Hoseok and Jimin to clean the dorm.

"But what did I do wrong?!" He asked himself for the nth time. He didn't know what did he do or anything he did wrong. He was such an innocent boy, he didn't deserve this! Jimin and Hoseok giggled as they saw a frustrated Taehyung and quietly left the room to find Jungkook who decided to stay and use his phone and Seokjin told him to keep an eye on them so they could clean well.

"Jungkookie~" Jimin said with a ring in his tone. Jungkook rolled his eyes, he was used to this affection shown by his Hyung. Hoseok on the other hand, came to strangle Jungkook. Jungkook choked until his strong arms broke away from Hoseok.

"What's your problem? Shouldn't you be cleaning?!"

"We just came to ask you one question~" it was time for Hoseok to ring the phrase to Jungkook. Jungkook sighed as he gestured them to ask.

"What did Taehyung say last night?"

"What?" Jungkook knew what they meant or else why would Taehyung move to his room?

"We know you know"

"Know what?"

"He told you a secret!"

"What the fuck? What secret?"

"He doesn't know, Hoseok Hyung"

"He might be lying"

"Wait, why are you both asking me this? Do you guys spy on Taehyung Hyung?" Jungkook said as he saw fright in both of their eyes. He nodded to let them know that he found out everything and took out his phone to call Seokjin.

"No! Don't tell him please!"

"Will you leave me alone?"

"We will just don't tell him anything" they said as they rushed out of the room grabbing their brooms and cleaning the rest of the house. Jungkook smiled devishly as he saw that he wasn't calling Seokjin, he was going to call Yoongi to get him some food. He laid back on his bed, complimenting himself. He was a genius, he was brilliant, he was golden.

"You're really golden, Kookie~" He said before closing his eyes to sleep.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!I just fucking cleaned this whole area!" Taehyung's voice scared Jungkook, making him rise from his bed. He quickly got up and almost ran to where the voice came from. He found a huge puddle of Dettol and Clorox and water mixed on the floor, he gasped.

"Who did this?!"

Everyone fell silent as they saw an angry Kook yelling and exaggerating a bit that they'll all die. Seokjin will really kill them for doing such a mess.

"Sorry I did it" Hoseok said.

"And I got the Clorox and wasted it" Jimin said, looking down.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Please don't yell" Taehyung said, frightened as he saw the innocent fetus-like maknae yell at the elder.

"If Seokjin saw this, he'll get a kitchen knife and kill us all" Jungkook warned making everyone bite their lips and fingernails. Everyone was nervous equally.

"What shall we do?" Taehyung said, worried while looking at his hyungs and roommate. He was as scared as hell. Jungkook using his golden brain, hummed until a light bulb lit in his mind.

"Wipe it off!" He said with a smile. Everyone looked relieved as they grabbed wet towels to rub it off. At first try, the towels cleaned the floors just as Jungkook thought. With the Clorox and Dettol, the floor was shining. They were seeing stars on the floors.

"Jungkook you're golden!" Each of them said with every rub. Jungkook smiled, complementing himself while going back to his bedroom. Jungkookie is perfect, Jungkookie is wonderful, Jungkookie is golden.

Night fell and Yoongi got him his food, candies and cola. He loved junk which Seokjin didn't approve. He hid it under his bed and went to eat dinner.

"The floor looks so beautiful!" Seokjin kept complementing, giving confidence to the boys. Anything shining to Seokjin's eye is a treasure, even if it was a piece of shit with glitter. As soon as they finished the food, they helped clearing out and the familiar yet energetic 'bedtime' came out of Seokjin. No one was tired. It was a free day, except for the three boys. They felt pain on their shoulders, necks and backs. They were going to sleep for all the hours they lost on cleaning. Jungkook ran to his room and locked the door quick.

"Why are you so desperate to enter the room?"

"I want to eat my candy" Jungkook lied. Taehyung chuckled.

"Well I'm going to sleep, cutie~" Taehyung said as he laid on his bed that was moved into Jungkook's room earlier by Hoseok and Jimin. After a short while, snores were heard. In just a few minutes....


It's time.

"I wanna confess something.." Taehyung's mouth automatically moved. Pink tinted his cheeks as he struggled to get to the point. "Jimin Hyung watches porn! I'm so sorry I don't mean it...please don't..hate me" and he fell silent right after. Jungkook waited a few minutes to check if he had anything else to say and ran to Jimin's room. As soon as Jimin opened the door, making sure that he didn't wake up Hoseok, he smiled as he saw that his visitor was Jungkook.

"Hello Kookie~♡" Jimin said with his cute tired face. Jungkook smirked.

"I found out something about you!"

"That I'm handsome? I reached your stage of good looking?"

"No, that you watch porn"


"Oh don't lie~"

"Who told you?"

"Taehyung told me when we were eating candy" Jungkook said before he covered his mouth with his hands. Jimin smirked.

"You said candy? You know it's not allowed since Seokjin Hyung worries about our health~ so will you tell someone? If you do I have something to tell about you~!"

"You wouldn't..."

"If you want me to forget this then kiss me~" Jimin said, making a duck face so Jungkook would kiss him. But Jungkook didn't.

"Let's keep both as secrets"

"Ugh okay"

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