Chapter 4

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Niall didn't even come back, so I walked all the way to my house alone in the dark. What a jerk! I figured he would come back and walk me home yano? But no I was left to walk home alone. I'm not the type of girl who needs a guy by my side twenty-four seven. I can mange on my own. But why would he buy me drinks, dance with me, then walk me out? I just don't get it. I probably sound like a needy, whiney bitch, but no I'm far from it. I don't like attention from guys. Not in that way anyways. I'm independent, I like to do stuff by myself. Don't get me wrong, I would like to be in a relationship, but ever since my ex... I just don't trust people.

My ex had major issues. If I didn't text him every second of every day, he'd show up at my loft pounding on the door. One time I didn't text him all day because I was flying back from Hawaii. He was sitting in my room waiting for me. What a fucking creep! He threatened me saying "If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!" I believed him too, because another time, I was coming home from the carnival with Dylan and I had forgotten to text him. He was standing out side of my loft when I came home and he punched me in the mouth, even broke my jaw. Dylan being the weenie he is took off running back to his house. I was left alone with a broken jaw. I ran inside and called the police. A few weeks later I get a letter from him saying

"Hey babe, I know you did this. I'm not mad, but if you don't come see me, I'll kill you when I get out. I'm sorry maybe that was harsh.

I love you!

Zack xoxo"

I was so scared, I'd go visit him everyday. I was not ready to die! I had just started a new job at Victoria Secret, I started my first semester at New York State, so I was not about to die. Then one day I got a phone call from the prison he was in and they said he was killed in a gang fight. I was so happy to be rid of that baggage. After him I vowed to not date a guy until I got to know them full well. No I'm not telling you this because I want to date Niall, oh no! I'm telling you this because I think you should know.

My dad left when I was fifteen so about four years ago. It was pretty hard on me, because we were super close. I was daddys little girl. I was spoiled rotten, but he taught me to be down to earth. I went to all the MSG concerts, met stars from all over the world. My dad was a music producer, so I got in good with some stars like Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, even the new Lovely Lana Del Ray. She is just beautiful! I miss my dad a lot. Sad thing is I have no idea where he is... oh well I guess.

My mom thought it would be funny to come home this morning with some dude she met at the bar. She must have been pretty drunk because she never brings home anyone. I don't even know how she is functioning. I have terrible jet lag. I came home at 3am went to sleep then woke up at 8pm my time is so off. I wanted to go out into the town instead of sleeping... so much for that. Seriously though my mom must have been on some serious shit and drunk as hell to bring a man home. She told me that she would never bring home a man, because she vows her marriage. Too bad she doesn't have a marriage anymore.

"SHIT!" my mom yells "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

I hear my mom screaming at the top of her lungs, freaking out. I can't help but laugh.

"KADDIE! Oh god my head hurts!" she half yells half says "Kaddie, honey are you okay?"

"Yes, mom I'm fine. Have a little to much fun last night?" I ask trying to quite my laughing.

"I don't... I don't remember. Honey will you get me some water and Advil?" She slurs.

I've had to take care of her since dad left. It's pretty sad really. I'm now Nineteen and I've had to take care of her for four years, maybe even longer. She found out my dad had been cheating on her for fifteen years. She didn't say anything because she didn't believe it was true until she caught him, in her bed with another women. Ever since that day shes been a drunken mess. That was when I was eleven.

"Kaddie, Baby are you getting me what I asked for?" she asks pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, just a second." I say. I wish she would grown up, I'm tired of taking care of her. She can be so childish sometimes, but I still love her. "Here ya go." I say handing her the water and Advil.

"Thank you. Are you going out tonight?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"You just look like you're ready to go out."

"I wanted to go out earlier today, but I'm going to stay in. It's kind of late, and I'm just gonna go back to bed."

"Oh..." she pauses "Will you go out and get something we can sleep on?"

"Mom, I just said I'm going to go back to bed."

"But you're sleeping on the floor, you're to pretty to sleep on the floor." she says touching my face.

"Mom, you're hungover please do us both a favor and just go back to sleep with your little friend."

"Okay, Honey goodnight."

I don't understand her. It's like she has no idea what's going on.


I hear the door bell. Who in the hell could that be, I wonder opening the door.



Hey sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was preparing for school. I'm really sorry if this chapter sucks, I wanted to give some back ground to Kaddie. Do you believe her dad showed up? Comment and tell me what you think please!!! I need some feedback.

Love you guys!





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