Chapter 1 (Picture of Rain)

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Ugh what is that tapping noise filling up the room. I glanced at the clock. It's only 8:30 am. I glance to my left and see Grayson Manner. I don't know why he hates me so much. Is there something wrong with me? I don't think there is though. He sees me staring at him and glances my way, all he does is rolls his eyes and looks back at the board.

I swear this boy will be the death of me.

Someone calling my name snapped me out of my thoughts. "Ms. Parker, what is the value of pi?" this is why I love math, just to show off and prove teachers that i'm not some stupid bimbo.

"Mrs. Monroe, that would be 3.14159265359" I say proudly, everyone's mouth drops except for the one and only Grayson Manner, damn that boy!

"Very well..." well she doesn't seem surprised please note the sarcasm.
At Home💚

"Rain,  honey,  I have to tell you something very important about my job" my mother calls to me as I walk in. 

"Oooo tell me" I say back.  Me and my mother have a tight bond since my dad passed of brain cancer 5 years ago. 

"Well you might not like it..." she says hesitantly.

"Come on it cant be that bad"

"Your'e going to have to stay with Grayson and his family for a year while I go to Germany for my job studies and such." she spills out.

"Mommmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream filling the whole house.

"At least tell me when I have to go" I say awaiting the answer.

"Right now" Fuck!

"I haven't even packed mom!" I say in a duh tone.

"I packed for you, now go Grayson should be here any minute now" Ughhhh.

Soon enough I hear a loud horn coming from the front of my house. "Honey, it's going to be fine, i'm pretty sure you'll both be very close friends at the end of this." my mother pecks me on the forehead and gives me a reassuring smile. I love her so much even in situations like this.

I go outside and see Grayson staring straight at me with no emotion.

"Took you long enough" he says rudely and I roll my eyes in response.

I get in and we speed off...



I lay on the queen size bed staring at the white painted walls with fairy lights that twinkled against the dark black trim. Interesting indeed. Most people would call this ugly, but I somehow manage to see the beauty in everything.

I glance over at my clock to check the time and see that it is 11:48 pm. I need to go to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about Grayson. What makes him hate me so much? I would find out soon enough. I already knew it.

All of my thoughts jumbled up together tightly in my head was exhausting and before I knew it I was taken into a deep, dark sleep...

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