There is a man with no fear. But, you probably already knew that. Also, if you knew that, you should know that..."creatures" invaded Earth. 13 years ago. No one knows where they came from, they just...showed up. With the world's military prowess they could have been defeated right? I mean, these things were blind. But, in a sense, they weren't really blind. If something has "Fear" it can see you. And when it does, it's almost as if it was made to wipe out all of existence.
Pretty soon, countries were being over-run. However, as America itself was crumbling, a man showed up on television. One of the monsters was attacking his home. And the man was just attacking the creature. He had a hunting rifle in his hands, shooting the thing. Everyone has tried that, but it usually had no effect because these monsters had the determination to kill, and it would not stop until it completed it destined mission. But, when the man attacked this creature, it couldn't see it. After continuous fighting, the man let out a sigh of relief. He actually killed it. News spread like wild fire of "The Man With No Fear."
It was true. He had no fear. Never did. I would understand that perfectly, mainly because I was his only son. In that fight, my mom died so after that, it was just me and the newly famous "Man with no fear". I also could barely spend time with him. He became a military asset. He was also an inspiration to lose your own fear. So, to take advantage of that, he started his own military squadron. The "No Fears". Clever right?
But after 13 years, a lot of things changed. Now, in america there is literally one quarter of the country divided just for one chain of academies. The academy was designed to train teens to lose fear, study tactics, and other necessities to kill the monsters and survive. The monsters also got a name. "Ne sensorem." Translates loosely into English as "Fear sensors." But in these academies it contained millions of teens from around the world. This school system was strict as well. If you made it through the school, still having fear, you are cast out into the badlands. The badlands are just as they sound. Bad.
Now, the badlands are the ares around the school. It is absolutely forbidden to be in their. I also must mention that the schools are suspended midair. Yeah, technology gets so cool when humanity is threatened. But why I am I telling you this? Well, this school is basically my life. Someone has to make it big so their father will notice them right? Especially when your his son. And his name is the man with no fear. And your stuck with the name "Pants Pisser". But as you read, you'll probably learn about my daring tales of humility. But yeah, my new story starts with me in line. In line, for my 2nd chance at redemption. But my fourth wall breaks will have to end in this chapter. That was your background for "Fear." Clever name, right?
ActionThere is a man that lives without fear. That was unheard of, especially when these monsters invaded earth. These monsters were blind, in a sense. But they could "see" you, by the scent of your fear. These monsters can literally smell your fear. So...