Planet Quatriena. A world consisting of four massive continents, each with their unique life and habitats. Life live, leaves, and glistens; as it may do on all planets. With such a vast world of indigents, we only have time to explore a specific part that is for now anyways. Join and gather as we dive into this magnificent world and see just what Quatriena has to offer. This time we'll be studying the wildlife on one of the continent Vergi. We'll study twelve days of this lands wildlife, on the surface only.
Vergi is intermediate in its size, but it makes up for it in it fascinating creatures it has. It is the only continent on Quatriena to have vast fields of vegetation, which cover it inch to inch. While it doesn't have the most variety in mountain ranges, there are still locations where one could get a great view of the landscape. Though those who could fly would need not worry about this.
Take for example the Saurousnixous, whose large scaled wings that can stretch up to the length of a football field each. It hasn't any eyes, so it realize on its sense of smell to navigate around the land. A Saurousnixous nose is so powerful that it can smell the rotting corpse of an insect from up to four-thousand feet away. Being that its nose is its means of helping with transportation, it has thick hairs that hang from inside that block dust particles.
The hairs also produce and acid that eliminates anything that sticks to them. The acid also helps as a way for it scratch from deep within its eight inch deep nostrils. Saurousnix does not have a nose, but it does have nostrils high up on its beak. The Saurousnixous swallows its prey whole, and regurgitates any fur or bones that were too much for it to digest.
The neck muscles of this creature are so powerful; it can upchuck any pray that manages to get lodged in its throat. It is also known to try and regurgitated eat any meat that it may have missed. The Sardonicous is a lucky one, for it has no predators whatsoever; that is except for fate itself.
When it dies its decaying corpse helps for the growth of a fruit known as Zebraka. The Zebraka fruit is an unusual fruit to you and I. It has an acid that is crucial in the diet of the Lambsect Beetles that are nocturnal, and on the very bottom of the food chain. Many of its predators come out during the day, and so they've adapted to emerging from their nest at night.
Lambsects make their nest from the fresh corpse of a dead animal. They keep the corpse fresh enough for their eggs to hatch. Once they've hatched they attach to their mother's back until they've matured enough to go out into the world on their own. After the infants have attached the entire family leaves the corpse to find a new one to raise the young in. In order to keep the corpse fresh enough, it must use a chemical that comes from it's body to preserve the corpse.
The chemical lambsects use is formalin. It comes out of the back of the mother and father labesects. This hole is used only for spreading formalin, not for defecation. The two work together to cover the corpse completely in formalin; this process can take up to a week for the two foot creatures to successfully cover the body, and keep the corpse fresh long enough for the family to "raise" their young.
When almost completely covered; the mother goes in the yet to be sealed opening. The father comes and starts sealing the rest of the body from the outside. The male then leaves his mate to find a new one to have young with and soon leave as well until the end of his life. The female stays inside the corpse for two years until the infants are old enough to live on their own.
The reason for nesting in corpses is to save the babies not herself, for she dies in the body. Female labsects give birth when they are at the end of their lifespan, while males begin mating as soon as they can fly. Once the mother is dead the babies begin to take their first steps through the corpse. The feast on the flesh of it until they have made it pretty much a skeleton.
They then tunnel their way through the formalin to begin their new lives, and live the corpse of their mother somewhere in the skeleton, being that they're not carnivores. When a Lambsect dies It emits a strong odor that attracts a creature known as hynines. The Hynines will eat the corpse of the dead Lambsect when it has servers stomach problems. The nutrients from the Lembsects eating Zebraka fruit help end the pain that the hynines have within a less than an hour. If the pain hasn't stopped by then a hynine will continue to eat dead, or alive Labesects until the pain has completely ceased.
Speaking of hynines their species is going to be our main focus on our journey in this land. Together we will see the mating habits of these marvelous vicious creatures, and their struggle on the planet Quatriena.
Twelve days on Planet Quatriena: Vergi continent (#justwriteit #earthlove)
Science Fiction#justwrite #earthlove it Planet Quatriena. This is the most unique planet mankind has studied yet. With extraordinary animals, plants, and lands, this is surely not a place that would grow tiresome anytime soon. With this planetary documentary on t...