shit happenes

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well this should be called the truth comes out cause when I'm done you gonna be sittin there like etc anyways here's the story



when diggy got home he slapped me then said "b...h I could kill you I should kill you but I won't because I'm going to kill him I cheated on you to so now we even but I'm breaking up with you because you slept with Ray and he got H.I.V until you get tested you sleeping on the couch and don't touch me" he left and I sat on the floor and cried until I ran out of tears then called Israel because there is something I wanna tell her



I can't believe she cheated on me and with my whole homie Ray that's f....d up I'm gonna whop hiss ass or kill him it all depends on which happens first which will be death but first I'm going to Israel's house to see if she new and if she did I'm gonna ask her why she didn't tell me I banged on the door and a pissed off Israel opened the door in Prince's big shirt and smelling like sex "I don't even want to know what was just going on" "good cause I wasn't gonna tell yo ass anyways what do you want "she said with an attitude while sitting on prince's lap "don't get an attitude with me Lil girl cause I Will whoop that ass ok and I came to see if you knew that emilia slept with Ray" "yes we all knew everyone except you will you go now" she said wright before she started making out with princeton when she realized i wasnt she stopped kissing him and was chewing on some gum "need anything else" she said lookin like she wanted to slap the s--t out of me "naw im good bye" "bye bro" she said before kissing prince again after that i went to rays house walked inside and shoot him 12 times 10 in the head and 2 times in the heart thats what his ass get for sleeping with my girl and getting her pregnant yeah i know wright her ass is prego and it aint mine you could only imagine how mad i am and i also have a secret to tell you guys israel isnt really my sister we arent realy related she is my daughter when i was a child my dna was inserted into her mother and well we made a baby thats how our people made more of our own kind i know what youre thinking what the fuck why didn't you tell her I didn't tell her cause well I don't know..........


Princeton P.O.V

when me and Israel where kissing she stole my gum and I was just like did I this bitch just omfg when she kissed me again I put my shirt back on and told her what Keisha told me earlier when she was asleep she told me that lanipop would be going on tour with us she is gonna be dancing with lil wayne ohhh yea did I forget to tell you who I was going on tour lil wayne nicki minaj the rest of rich gang umm and I think a few others im not sure I forget we not gonna be snging on the same stage we just going to all the same places so we are sharing a tour bus so yeah I hope she don't get mad cause she cant come so im gonna go as far away as possible and tell her with a phone call so she cant whoop my ass cause sometimes when she mad she scares the s--t out of me sometimes and I have another secret to tell her that im not gonna tell you until I tell her but heres a hint she not the only woman in my life...........



me and prodigy just got kimora and put her to sleep and now im tired so im gonna take a quick nap after prodigy tells me this secret that he said prince is keeping from Israel "well whats the secret hurry up and tell me so I can go upstairs and go to sleep hurry up" ok the secret is that that ...... star didn't cheat on roc with khalil she cheated with.............some one else she cheated with........with......with she cheated with Princeton her and Princeton have been sleeping together for atleast 2 months now and diggy isn't israels real brother he is her father" he said before walking in the kitchen for some chicken "that's it prodigy you could have told me after my- wait what prince cheating on her with her best friend and her brother is really her dad wtf s--t I need to sit down"i said before calling her she is gonna be heart broken

Phone Convo


bold is Israel italics is rockey

hello Israel its me rockey I have to tell you something about prince




im finna start a cast call I need two girls please leave your name age personality likes dislikes and your favorite boy that's in the story






Exs,Boyfriends, and DramaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora