Chapter Sixteen

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***Im Going To Work Harder On This Which Means Typing Longer Chapters.***

As soon as I got up I rolled out of Coys bed and went straight to the bathroom. I emptied the contents of my stomach. Great. Morning sickness is the best thing in the world.

Coy groaned stumbling into the bathroom holding my hair. After emptying the contents of my stomach I brushed my teeth.

Coy went back in the bed and laid down. I showered dressing in a sports bra and tshirt. School starts in two hours and honestly I dont even want to go. I sighed sliding my fingers in my hair. I crawled in bed under Coy he wrapped his arm around me I just let myself fall back to sleep.

. . .

"Hey!" I jumped out my sleep looking at Ken. I groaned pulling the covers over my head.

"Get up girl you gotta go to school."

"Ken leave me alone I dont wanna go to school."

"Coy asked me to wake you up and drive you to school."

"Where is he?"

"The pack house."

"See , nope im not going get out."


"Thats an order Ken get out."

He growled and slammed the door as he left the room. I groaned trying to get confortable so I could back to sleep but I just couldnt.

I threw the covers off of me and put on some sweats tying them. I slid in my slide ins. I would go to the pack house but im honestly not ready for that scene. Walking down the stairs shaking my fingers in my hair I opened the front door to bump into Chris.

"So you are up?"

"Yup , but im not going to school. Im going home go get in my bed."

"But Coy said -"

"Listen, I am tired I want to sleep. Im a damn wolf we waiste our time in school anyways we learn the same shit over and over and what wolf ecspecially me a royal blooded will ever step foot in college. My temper is too much for all that and school isnt shit but a challenge, them damn humans erk my nerves Ill decapitate each one of them if I go to school today so ... would you mind getting out of my way."

He stared at me with shock .

"Uh - I - Uh do your eyes always do that?"

"What? My eye color , my wolves and the blood shot red at the same time? Only when im mad."

"Thats cool, atleast let me drive you home Coy would kill me if I let you walk."


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