"hey,baby girl, this is your home" mommy coos into Abby's ear. I look up at her, i hate this baby. "Honey" daddy turns to me then hints at mommy "AWW Heather dear, nothing's going to change i can promise you that!" i stare deep into her eyes "why'd you have another child, i'm sorry i was horrible, mommy i promise i won't throw another temper tantrum again!" tears well up in my eyes. They're replacing me and they'll probably never love me again. i run into my baby sister's new nursery,sit in the corner and cry. Mommy and Daddy come barging in with baby Abby in their arms. "Honey, we love you and we always will. Abby's just here to keep you company- and to love you" she looks up at my father holding Abby singing her to sleep " but nothing in the world can stop us from loving you. you're our first daughter and we love you and i can promise to you right now that all of this, our family, our home our friends all of it will change but nothing can break the bond of a family's love" she squeezes me tight and daddy smiles down at us.