Chapter 1: On My Own

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Another disclaimer before I start off: I do not own any rights to The Walking Dead, nor do I claim the characters or plot. My own characters will be announced as they are introduced, such as my main OC, Kate Lawson. Thanks for reading!!

I jumped at every twig that crunched under my own feet. My face itched where tears had dried, and I rubbed my cheeks angrily as I continued on. I replayed the horrific scenes over and over all day, not being able to forget how I'd watched my family die. I felt guilty for leaving them to the dead, guilty as I watched them be devoured. My sister, my mom... all of our group. I had no idea who else had made it out alive, if anyone, but I didn't stay to find out.

My sister's screams echoed in my mind, "Go, Kate! You have to-" choking on her own blood, she opened her mouth to yell out in pain again as her throat was torn away. That was enough for me. Tears flooded my eyes as I turned from her, running into the woods surrounding our camp.

With nothing but the clothes on my back, handgun on my belt, and machete on my back, I trudged along from sunrise to sunset. I had no idea where I was headed, or why. I don't even know why I was still trying. My brunette bangs stuck to my face with sweat and filth. I could really use a shower.

The trees surrounding me gave me a nauseating feeling, not knowing what lurked behind every rock or branch. I sighed as my stomach growled, reluctantly pulling my last, flattened, granola bar out of my pocket.

The sun was high in the sky as I reached a small opening in the forest, and I decided to stop for a bit. As I leaned against a nearby tree, munching on the last bite of my food, the loud snap of a stick behind me startled me. I quickly slid my machete off my back, turning and lifting it into the air.

I was met with a pair of friendly eyes. "Easy!" The man said, lifting both his hands in surrender. "I promise, I don't mean any harm. My name is Aaron, and this is Daryl," he gestured to the filthy man behind him, who I hadn't even seen before Aaron had stepped to the side. The difference in them was remarkable, Aaron was clean and kind looking. The man he called Daryl was covered in dirt and blood, his eyes cold as he had barely lowered his crossbow that he had trained on me.

I slowly lowered my weapon, not quite putting in back in its sling. Aaron straightened up and put his hands down. "We've been following you for a while now. Are you alone?"

I nodded, looking between them. I decided not to acknowledge the fact that they'd been following me.

"We have a community. Will you come back with us?"

A Part Of You I'd Never Seen (Daryl Dixon/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now