Chapter 17...

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Slightly Edited

Song on the side is War Of Hearts by Ruelle. Loved this song the moment I heard it on Shadowhunters when Malec kissed :D

Gage above *Eye heart emoji*

Hours passed as we laid out in the open field. Gage and I made light conversation not really going into anything deep; I don't think either of us were ready for that. What surprised me the most was Gage telling me a lot about the stars. He would point out certain ones and tell me the name and how it was named after Gods and Goddess of the Greek culture. I never pegged him as someone who knew astronomy or liked it. Gage always seemed to surprise me every time I saw him. In that moment I never felt closer to Gage.

"Did you know that in about a month the moon is going to turn green?" Gage asked suddenly. I turned my head to face him.

"Really green?"

"Yeah first time since 1879. Something about the moon, the sun, and mars will pass over each other creating the moon to glow green." I looked back up at the almost full moon right above us. Its light shining brightly down on us.

"Wasn't there an eclipse just a few months ago?" I asked.

"This year so far has been the most there ever has been of eclipses and stuff like that. More shooting stars have been recorded this year as well." He rattled off. Who knew Gage Harper had useless amounts of trivia in his head.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like without the moon? Would every night be pitch black or would something else take it's place to be out light source? You know the world is dependent on the bond between the sun and the moon, what would happen without it? What would happen with the sun?" I questioned.

I could tell it was well past midnight just by our questions. It seemed like after midnight questions and conversations turned serious and thoughtful. At 11:59 you could be texting your best friend about a guy you saw earlier at the store and at 12:01 you are talking about what came first, the chicken or the egg. It was like after 12 o'clock an inner part of you came out, the serious part of you. The one that wanted to know about things that are unexplainable.

This always happened whenever Macey and I stayed up really late. One second we are laughing about something on youtube and the next we are being serious talking about the future.

"My opinion is during the day time we would be fine but at night it would be total darkness. No light of the moon but you could see the stars a little more. But I don't think the world would end with no moon. I mean look at Mars it's doing just fine." Gage commented.

"Yeah but Mars doesn't have people on it." I pointed out.

"Soon though. Studies have shown that soon living things may be able to survive on Mars." He went off, his voice sounding excited and fascinated. I looked over at him and smiled. I could only see the side of his face but I could make out a smile on his face and I bet his eyes were wide open.

I continued on watching him ramble about people on mars. Why was Gage here with me? Why did he leave a party just to bring me somewhere he goes regularly? The Gage I thought I knew before tonight never would have done this, he would have just let me run away by myself. This was a Gage I liked, a Gage that I could actually see myself being friends with.

"It is just so mind-blowing." I came back to the conversation as he said that. I smiled softly over at him even though he couldn't see it.

"So tell me, which planet is your absolute favorite? It can anything but Earth and Pluto." I asked.

"Why not pluto?"

"Cause it's not a planet. So which one?" I could practically see him rolling his eyes at me but he didn't reply with a smart ass comment.

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