Chapter 1

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I slowly make my way to the back of the bus, my music blaring in my ears. I look around for anyone I knew. Nope, don't know them. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nop- wait. Colored hair. My people!

I slide into the seat with the kid and got a closer look. Tall, tan, skinny, blue hair, a-a boy?! I felt my face get warm and my hands get sweaty. Calm down Winter. It's just a boy. You've sat next to boys before! I take a deep breath and pull my headphones out for an introduction. Breath in, Breath out.

"Hey, I'm Winter. " I say with a slight smile. I felt his gaze turn to me. He's so cute... I looked into his brown eyes and watched them study me. Breath in. My blond hair with rainbow bangs, my blue eyes and light tan skin.

"Dylan." He replied, returning my slight smile. Breath out. "I just moved here." He continued to tell me. I smiled at him slightly showing my teeth.

"Oh, I can show you around if you'd like!" And with that he smiled saying it'd be nice. I decided to leave him alone. He doesn't need a freak bothering him on his first day.

I look at the seat in front of us but I couldn't help feel his gaze on me still. I turn to look up at him and sure enough, he was still looking at me. I blush thinking it's because of how I look. "You're very pretty Winter." He mumbled looking down at his legs. I stammer for the right words before saying thanks.

After what felt like forever of silence, the bus finally reached the school. I wrap my head phones around my phone and shove them into my hoodie pocket.

"Welcome to Broken Branch High. Home of the Bulls." I mumble to Dylan still not able to get his last statement out of my mind.

We exit the bus and slowly walk towards the school. Don't trip. Be normal. Be normal. Please Derek, don't mess with me today... Out of the corner of my eye I saw it about to happen. He was coming. I stop walking and wait for Derek to approach me.

Derek is that one jock everybody loves. He's tall, strong, smart, and cute. His blond hair and blue eyes makes every girl melt. Except for me. It's hard to like someone when they pick on you.

I felt Derek's hand on my shoulder. "Hey loser. How's the cuts?" I winced and looked up at Dylan who had stopped with me. He heard that. He knows now. I look down tears streaming down my face.

"I. I." I stutter not knowing what to say to that at all. I felt Derek's grip tighten on my shoulder.

"Come on, tell me." He whispered in my ear, his face close to mine. I look up at Dylan.

"I'm sorry. I." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry I'm a freak." I put my hands in my hair and Derek pushes me to my knees.

"Look everybody. The Broken Branch freak!" Derek said as loud as he could, pointing at me. I stay on my knees crying. I hear everyone else start to laugh along with Derek.

My arm started to sting for the feeling of a razor and I started crying harder. I am strong. I am strong. I look up at Derek, already knowing what was next.

"Get up, freak." He hissed at me, his spit landing on my face. I slowly get up, dusting my clothes off, he grabbed my wrist tightly and I screamed out in pain. The cuts from last night busting open again. He started to dig into his pocket. This is new... He grabbed whatever he was looking for and handed it to me.

"Here's your only friend." He handed me a razor. "Have fun you two." I dropped it and he let go of my wrist. I slowly start to walk away.

"Winter stop." I heard Dylan say and I stop. "I'll be your friend." He said.

"Don't do this to yourself. You'll be outcasted like me. Have Derek show you around. You'll be popular." I start walking again, slowly starting to run. This is for his own good. He'll be safe his way.

Authors note

Hey! So yeah. My first story. Please don't be a dick to me about it. I'm really proud of this. So vote and comment for more. I'll work on the second chapter as soon as possible.

Cya lovelies

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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