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Warning: There is cutting in this chapter and with cutting there's also the word "blood" used with it just for people who don't like it, I will say what happened in the next chapter so you can skip if you'd like but the first part of this chapter doesn't talk about it and there will be a little warning before it and a little note when it's done, so you know when it starts and finishes. They also mention sex in this chapter but there is no warning of when it starts and stops.

Author's POV
Y/N and the other members of MDE finally made it to their hotel rooms after being stuck in a bus for five days. Y/N, Shannon, Alex, and Lexi shared a room together. Johnnie, Kyle, Jordan, and Bryan shared a room together and Robbie, Jeydon, and Tyler shared a room. The girls went to their room while the guys went with their groups to their rooms. Y/N slept on one bed while Lexi slept on the couch because the girls just met Lexi and were still a bit awkward around her. Alex and Shannon slept in a bed together because their best friends and have known each other the longest. They had fun fooling around in their rooms and going into the boy's rooms.
           Y/N loved Kyle so much and promised him that she would never cheat on him. The past few days that went by from getting the fan sign meeting ready, Y/N noticed Kyle had been acting very different around her since he went out alone shopping.
           Y/N heard someone talking to someone in the hall way and she couldn't help but listen since the voice sounded so familiar to her. She listed carefully and was very quiet because the person was mumbling to who ever they were talking to.
"Yes baby I'll be there soon, I promise"
"Of course I'm not telling Y/N she doesn't need to know"
"Yes, babe.......I love you.......Bye"

Yes, babe.......I love you.......Bye"
I walk out towards Kyle and stand behind him and glare at him.
"Oh hi, Y/N, what do you want?" Kyle gives me a smile but with one look at the smile I know it's a fake smile. I give him a fake smile back which is way better than his and say, "I just wanted to know if you were okay that's all". Kyle gives me an awkward smile, "I-I need to go, u-um....bye". I frown while watching him walk towards the elevator. I quickly yell an "I love you, bye" but he doesn't say anything and acts like he didn't hear anything while he stands in the elevator looking at the ground.
            I think for a few minutes whether or not I should follow him, after some time I decide to follow him. I quickly run towards the elevator and press on the first floor a couple of times to hurry up. I have noticed since I've moved in with him, he started acting really weird and would come home late. "I have to know what's going on," I whisper to myself while I follow Kyle. After walking.....following Kyle for 10 minutes he walks through a park, I hide behind a tree and see a short, blonde girl walking towards him. I quietly sneak closer to them to hear them. Kyle and the girl stop in front of each other and I hear the girl say "Hey baby, I missed you" before kissing him. I stand there shocked and hurt while watching Kyle kiss her back. Quickly stopping my tears from coming out I listen to what they're saying. 
"Hey Meghan, I missed you too," Kyle pecks Meghan's lips before Meghan says, "Let's go back to my place and have some fun" and winks at Kyle. Kyle's cheeks go pink while he quickly nods his head. Meghan smirks. I watch them walk away together and let the tears start pouring out from my cloudy eyes. 
          I couldn't believe Kyle was cheating on me. The worst part was he was clearly having sex with that Meghan girl. I am a virgin but if Kyle's cheating on me because he's sexually frustrated then I don't think I'll ever accept him back into my life ever again, he said he would wait for years until I'm ready to lose my virginity but he I guess he didn't mean it.

(Blood and cutting will be starting now)    
I run to the hotel with tears pouring down my face like a waterfall. I get into the elevator, as soon as it opens I quickly run to my room and into the bathroom before anyone could say anything. I take my phone out, take the case off and pick up the small broken razor I hide from everyone. I had been thinking about cutting for a week now, even though I've been trying to stay clean I don't think I'll be able to anymore. Pulling up my sleeve, I slowly press the razor to my wrist and make a long deep cut. Blood starts to pour out but I just ignore it and make two more cuts. I start sobbing loudly while I keep making long deep cuts up my arm.

Author's POV
Shannon and Alex here a knock on the door and open it up. They see the boys standing there. "Come on in boys, we're go-" Shannon gets cut off by a loud sobbing noise coming from the bathroom. The boys walk into the room and look at the bathroom door with confusion and curiosity. "Was that Y/N?" Alex turns to Shannon with a questioning look. They here another loud sobbing noise. Jeydon's eyes widened, he quickly runs to the bathroom and knocks on the door while asking Y/N, "Y/N, what are you doing in there? Are you okay?". "L-Leave me a-alone," Y/N weakly whispers to Jeydon through the door. Bryan quickly runs to the door and bangs on it while shouting "Y/N, LET US IN NOW". The others walk to the door, Lexi gently says "Y/N, please let us in". Y/N sits there on the floor feeling weaker and weaker after each cut she makes. While she ignores her friends she starts to see little black spots in her eyes. 
             Bryan and Jordan run into the door together which causes the door to swing open and slam against the bathroom counter. Everyone stares at Y/N with wide, sad and angry eyes. Seeing the blood run down Y/N's arm and her looking pale and weak causes Jordan to quickly run to Y/N, he rips the razor out of her hand and throws it out the door in front of the others. Shannon runs into the bathroom, she pulls Y/N into her embrace and lets her tears fall onto Y/N's shoulder. Tyler stares at Y/N, "How long?" He asks her. Y/N starts to sob harder and weakly says "I just started". Her friends look at her with tears in their eyes.
(Cutting and blood is finished)

              Lexi walks in and sits beside Y/N while rubbing her back, "Please tell us why Y/N, we all love you so much and want to protect and help you". Y/N gulps and looks at all of them, "Kyle has been cheating on with a girl named Meghan and there clearly have been having sex together, I followed Kyle today after hearing him talking to someone on the phone and I saw then kiss each other and then Meghan said that they should go to his house to have fun". The boys and girls look at her with angry eyes each wanting to kill Kyle.
              They hear the door open and see a happy looking Kyle walk in. He stops walking sees Y/N on the ground with a tear stained face and their friends glaring at him with anger and hatred. Johnnie runs over to Kyle and pushes him to the ground and yells "How could you cheat on her?!?!". Kyle stutters and looks at you with regretful eyes, "I'm sorry" is all he says before looking at the ground. Y/N uses as much energy as possible and runs out of the room. Ignoring their screams for her to "come back" and "stop" she runs across the street. Not watching where she's going she quickly gets hit by something, falling to the ground darkness surrounds her......................

My Digital Escape (Kyle David Hall x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now