The End

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Kyle: Babe, wake up we're home *whispers*

Y/N: Okay *mumbles*

I sit up and look around. I'm still in the bus and Kyle is standing outside beside me with the door opened. I get and walk with Kyle into Johnnie and Bryan's house. Everyone's stuff is in the living room and everyone is standing saying goodbye. Kyle and I walk over to the group.

Bryan: Okay! now that everyone's here, we're still going to be making videos together and the next tour is in 8 months. Goodbye for now and I'll see all of you next week to make our next video together and obviously we will hang out together before that too! *smiles at us*

We all say our goodbyes and get our things and go our separate ways. Kyle and I drive home. We get home and unpack our things and put everything away. Kyle and I sit on our bed and smile at each other.

Kyle: My parents are at work and my brother is somewhere. You'll meet them today when they come home. They'll really like you!

Kyle pecks my lips and smiles at me. I am nervous to meet his family but, it will be fun and I am living with them now so obviously I'm going to have to meet them. Kyle and I fool around on our bed and laugh. We lay there for a bit.

Y/N: I love you!

Kyle: I love you more!

Y/N: No! I love you more *giggles*

Kyle: No! I love you more *laughs*

Y/N: No! I love you more and that's that!!!!! *smiles* 

(A/N: You love him more than the fan girls are a fan girl and so am I....PEACE!! Unless you're dating him in your dreams than you would be his imaginary girlfriend...GOOD FOR YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I seriously make no sense.....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

You and Kyle cuddle for a bit on your bed. You hear someone come into the house. 

"That must Kyle's brother" You thought. 

(A/N: I don't know what Kyle's brothers name is or what his age is so I'm gonna make up an age and name.)

Tyler: Kyle! you here?

Kyle: Yeah! coming Tyler.

Kyle grabs my hand and pulls me up with him. We walk down stairs and into the kitchen. I see a tall guy standing in the kitchen. I look at Kyle then Tyler. I look at them and instantly know they're brothers since they look a like.

Tyler: Hi. I'm Tyler, Kyle's older brother. You must be Y/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you!

Y/N: It's a pleasure to meet you as well!

Kyle smiles at us while Tyler and I shake hands and smile at each other.  We sit down and talk for a bit. I learn that Tyler is 20 years old, he loves sports and loves to hang out with Kyle. We talk for a while more. We hear people coming in and we all look at who it is. I see a tall woman and tall man standing in the doorway of the kitchen. They both look at me and smile.

Grace: Hi! you must be Kyle's girlfriend Y/N, I'm Grace, Kyle and Tyler's mom. *shakes my hand*

Ron: And I'm Ron, Kyle and Tyler's dad. It's a pleasure to finally meet you! *shakes my hand*

Y/N: *smiles* It's a pleasure to finally meet you guys as well!

We all sit down at the diner table and talk. Kyle and I are beside each other, Tyler and Grace are sitting in front of us and Ron is sitting at the end of the table between Grace and I. We talk and laugh while all getting to know each other. We eventually have diner and then go our separate ways. 

~~~~Few Weeks Later~~~~

Johnnie: I do!

Alex: I do!

Priest: You may kiss the bride! 

Everyone claps while Alex and Johnnie kiss. Both Alex and Johnnie's families are here and all of MDE. Everyone hugs the new married couple and congratulates them. We all have an amazing time and party. Everyone eventually goes home while Johnnie and Alex are ready to go to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

~~~Few years later~~~

Kyle and I have finally gotten married and are on our honeymoon right now. I go the man I loved and am very happy. We have our own house and are planing on having kids later on in life.

Y/N: I love you Kyle David Hall *hugs Kyle*

Kyle: I love you Y/F/N Y/M/N Hall *hugs back*

We lived happily ever after.....Well we had some arguments and fights but what couple doesn't?

My Digital Escape (Kyle David Hall x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now