Part 1

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So the story will start when your guys were genin.

(Nobody's Pov)  

'No, crap I can't be late again sensei will kill me.' you said to yourself as you make your way to the hokage's office for your new mission. You were on a team with Guy, Genma, and Ebisu. Your captain was Choza. You picked up your pace a bit and arrived at the hokage office. When you got there you could see a angry Ebisu , along with your other team mates. You also realized that team Minato was also present there.

"(y/n)! you sure look youthful !" said the cheerful as always Guy.

"(y/n) your late! how unacceptable for someone that's considered a prodigy." said they annoying Ebisu. You along with your parents were considered every strong because of your clan ,the (l/n) clan. you were an exceptional student and you were one of the first to graduate along with kakashi.

"Oh give her a break Ebisu, come on (y/n) we're just about to get the details of the mission." said your sensei Choza while he gave you a quick smile.

"Yea sure just one question, why is team minato here?" you asked.

"Because we're going on a joint mission." said Kakashi with his usual slightly annoyed look. You knew why Kakashi was mean sometimes and you were always there for him since his father took his own life. Your father and Kakashi's father were very close when he was still alive, so you knew kakashi pretty well.

"Oh ok." you say to Kakashi with a warm smile. He just gives you a slight smirk through under his mask and turns his attention back towards where the third hokage was sitting. As you were about to turn your gaze toward the hokage, you saw Rin giving you a dirty glare. You knew that she had feelings for Kakashi and she did not appreciate your presence because your are close with him. But you still tired your best to be nice to her. You simply gave her a closed-eye smile and turn towards the hokage.

~Small time skip~

The hokage finished explaining your mission. It was simply to catch 2 criminals that were causing some trouble in a village near the leaf. You were to head out early tomorrow morning. Now you were walking home with Kakashi, Rin, Obito, and Genma. Guy and Ebisu went there separate ways.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow good bye," said Genma. You all waved him good bye and went your path.

"(y/n) what's this?" asked Kakashi as he grabbed your hand and pulled it to his eye level. You blush slightly.

" Oh I hit my hand across some sharp thing by the hokage's door, don't worry it's nothing." you explain as you try to pull your hand out of  Kakashi's grip, but fail to.

"What do you mean it's nothing, it's bleeding." Kakashi says with a worried look.

"Don't worry about her kakashi, if she says it's nothing, then she's fine." says Rin. Kakashi gives her a slightly pissed off look then turns his gaze back to your hand.

"Here let me take a look at it, even though it's a little hard to see in the dark." Kakashi says and pulls you towards him. This makes you trip on top on him. You blush furiously as you try to get up from being  top of him. Even though you and Kakashi were good friends, you still had a little feeling for him. You had always tried to push it away, because you knew that Rin liked him, but it would never go away.

"S-sorry about that." you say as you dust your clothes, trying your best to hide you flushed face. You look up slightly to find Kakashi also blushing though his mask.

"No it's my bad, I'm the one who pulled you. Your hand is still bleeding sit down and let me take a look at it." says Kakashi. You do as he says and sit down on a bench that was near you guys. Kakashi keeled down infront of you and took out some Band-Aid wrapping and put it around your hand carefully.

"T-thanks Kakashi." you say.

"No problem, be careful ok ? I really don't want to see you hurt." says Kakashi. You slightly blush even though you know it's because you were his bestfriend.

"I will thank you." you say. You turn your head towards where Rin and Obito had been standing. You could see Rin upset as she watched you and Kakashi. When she saw you looking at her, she shot a death glare at you, making you turn away.

"Obito walk Rin home I'll walk (y/n) home." said kakashi.

"Awe kakashi why don't you walk me home?" said Rin. You actually felt pitty for her even though she hated you.

"My house is this way so that's why I'm walking (y/n)." said Kakashi.

"Don't worry Rin, I'll walk you home , Let's let these two love birds have their time alone." said Obito with a cheeky grin, making you and Kakashi blush. Obito and Rin waved off there way leaving you and Kakashi to walk side-by-side towards your house. It was pretty awkward thanks to Obito. After about 10 minutes you arrived to your house.

"Thanks again for everything." you say.

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow get some rest goodnight." Kakashi says as he slightly pats your head and takes his leave.

"Night Kashi." you say. You used to call Kakashi this when you guys were younger.

"I told you not to call me this. Whatever goodnight." said Kakashi.  You smile at him and wave goodbye.

(Kakashi's Pov)

(y/n) is such a beautiful person, the way her (e/c) eyes sparkle and the way her (h/l) (h/c) shines. Everthing about her is perfect. She's always been there for me and the least I could do is to protect her and love her. I hope she feels like this about me too.

I really do love her.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this I'll upload the second chapter soon . Leave a comment letting me know what you think and please vote if you enjoyed and want me to continue. Bye see you next chapter!! :)

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