Chapter Eighteen

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Shrieks of terror rang out above Mila's head. She screamed, gripping Mama's and shrieked when Paiga got yanked off her feet, pulling Mila with her.

'NO!' Mama flung a hand out, blasting out with a bright hot ball of energy. An ear-shattering screech rang out and Paiga dropped. Her brother snatched her up.

'SHIELD!' bellowed Uncle Gydon. 'SHIELD NOW!'

Something wet and warm splattered across Mila's cheek, screams from one among their group alarmingly high over head.

Papa's hum rang through Mila's mind an instant before she saw the shimmering transparent shield fling out, surrounding the group. Other shimmers layered over Papa's as all the adults threw shields up.

Seconds later the shields were battered by a swarm of shrieking creatures.

Mama snatched Mila up tight. Everyone crouched, staring aghast.

Glossy black eyes like Uncle Vidna, these creatures looked the size of a man with enormous wings. Their bodies were black with powerful muscular looking legs, their feet tipped with massive talons.

'Dear goddess!' gasped Aunty Graca. 'They look like harpies!'

'But those are ENORMOUS!'

'They can't possibly be!'

'They do look a lot alike.'

The adults shouted to each other, everyone flinching each time the horde of creatures swooped back down, hitting the shields. The hideous faced harpies struck the shields in a different spot with each attack, making those beneath the shield shout in fright.

'MOVE ON!' Uncle Gydon shouted. 'Keep focus.'

Mila rubbed her cheek then cried, 'Mama!'

Blood covered her fingers.

'Red, Mama, RED!'

'Zayck!' Mama yelped Papa's name, twisting with Mila tight in her arms.

'Hold on!' Papa was there at her side, he smiled at Mila. 'Don't worry, it's just muck.' Snatching a clump of dew wet grass Papa rubbed it on Mila's face, working away.

'There, all good!'

'Ju-just muck?' Mila said, gulping back tears.

'Just muck. Mucky muck muck.' Papa grinned at Mila and opened his arms to her. She stretched out, Mama passing her over and settled on Papa's hip.

'Gather in people, quick!' Uncle Gydon called them in.

Everyone hastened, crowding close.

'Light up, make sure you can see. We don't want anyone tripping.'

Uncle Gydon went on but Mila stopped listening as she stared around at the group of people, now she could see them all. Lips moving, she counted in her mind.

Twenty, thirty, forty three.

Only forty three Mestarns. Mila couldn't think how many were left behind.

The group started moving. Mila wobbled in Papa's arms, head bobbing low. No one spoke. Every few minutes the harpies hit, making Mila jerk awake, heart pounding and whimpering.

'Shhh,' Papa murmured. 'We're almost at the caves.'

When they crossed the last of the riverbed, the screeching creatures gave up attacking them, and swooped off. Sighs of relief rose from the adults. Mila dozed off, jolting awake again moments later.

They'd reached the caves.

With open caution the man who'd lead the way continued to lead, motioning everyone to wait as he crept in the narrow entrance, his energy extended to create light.

The group huddled close as they waited.

Minutes ticked by.

The bobbing lamps in the far distance appeared to have passed the village, still doggedly following their trail.

'Come on,' the man reappeared at the entrance. 'Watch your step, it drops off within. And watch your heads, the ceiling is low.'

Papa lifted Mila down. She protested. 'No, Papa. Tired.'

'I know you are, Lea. But I need you to go a bit longer yet.'

Mama took one of Mila's hands, Papa the other. Paiga and her brother walked with them, and Mama took Paiga's other hand too.

Uncle Gydon stood guard at the entrance, checking everyone entered and no one was left behind. He kept his shield strong, waiting as the last person climbed through. He followed and turned back, extending his energy and pushed at the entrance, working it in.

It started with a slither of stones. The entrance way collapsed, rocks rumbling down the sloped track.

Mama, Papa and all the others leapt to the side as some of the hunks of stone made it that far down. Finally the heavy sound of rock fall stopped.

The low ceiling of the cavern they stood in, some of the tallest adults ducking their heads, reflected the light of the energy expanded around them. All the faces Mila saw looked exhausted. Lines in the foreheads, following down the creases of their faces. Eyes that seemed to droop, and smears of dirt and red everywhere.

'Gydon,' said one of Mila's uncles. 'We have to rest, we can't keep going.'

Uncle Gydon shook his head, his eyes sad. 'We have too. I'm sorry to push you all, but I must. The DeNaga's will be here shortly. We need space, and several more cave-ins between us and them. Gather your strength. Help if you can help. Let's keep moving.'

Mila thought she might drop and die as she stumbled along between her parents. Each foot felt ten times heavier than it should, and no matter how hard she lifted, she tripped. Mama and Papa caught her most the time, but her elbows hit stone often, making her cry. She wasn't allowed to stop.

Those ahead and behind them had as much trouble, and cursed, something Mama never allowed at home. It distracted Mila from the bruise on her knee after she accidentally kneed a rock. One of her aunties cursed and swore so much Mila thought Mama might smack her.

Behind them, Paiga gave a shocked giggle at the next tirade of curses her aunty bellowed out.

'Oi!' Uncle Gydon yelled at her. 'Cut it out would you? We've got children here.'

'Sorry,' came the teary voiced but angry sounding reply. 'It's the only thing keeping me going.'

'Well then do it under your breath. Watch the volume.'

With that entertainment gone, Mila went back to focusing on her feet. Pull one knee high while keeping balance and drop it. Each step seemed to make her head go lower. But she kept going, with Mama and Papa pulling her along.

Finally, after what felt like hours and hours, Uncle Gydon said they could stop.

'Take your rest, I'll be waking you in an hour to keep guard,' he motioned an uncle. 'Then you take an hour watch and wake the next. You get five hours rest. Make the most of it.'

Papa and Mama and several other adults had bags with clothing. It all got pulled out and spread around the group, trying to provide a little warmth and comfort. Mila curled up between her parents, her head against Papa's chest. It seemed so cold and strange she didn't think she could sleep.

Then she closed her eyes.

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