Chapter 1: Meeting Each Other

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Hey guys!!!! this is httydobsessed13 on this shared account with delightfully_dark and httydseries_ 

I'm so excited to be writing a story with them!!! How this will work is each of us will write a chapter, and they voted that I go first. I didn't really get any say. XD 

*******TRIGGER WARNING******* 

This chapter has a severe cutting scene. Also has bullying and abuse. 

If you are not comfortable, I wouldn't want you to read it. But it is your choice. 

If you do struggle with self-harm, or are bullied or abused. I strongly encourage you to tell someone. Also if you want someone to talk too, I've been through a lot, including self-harm. I'm willing to talk to you. Or you can call Prevention lines, or Kids Help Phone. If you look them up. You can find their numbers. Or message me for them! 

So here you are!! 

Astrid's POV 

I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot. I put my car in 'park' and stared at the building in front of me. 

First day of school. Senior year. I was dreading it already. 

I hated school. If I had a choice I wouldn't be at school. Ever. But who wants to go to school when your the one who everyone picks on, both physically, emotionally, online and offline. I get texts from people and I don't even know who is texting me half the time. I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder and got out of the car. I locked it and put my keys in my bag. I had my sleeves rolled up and when I walked into school and started looking for my locker for that year I noticed some stares. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I pulled my sleeves down to cover my wrists. I had made fresh cuts last night after getting yelled at by my parents. They still stung a bit and  I just had to keep them hidden. 

I made it to lunch. Which was incredible for me. I didn't have to leave to go hide in the bathroom once so far. I had people bug me in class. Whispering things to me. People gave me notes that had rude remarks and things on them. I rolled my eyes at them crumpling them up. I went and put my books in my locker, except for one of my notebooks and pens and grabbed my lunch money. I closed it and started walking towards the cafeteria. There was group of girls about five of them standing at a locker. 

Heather, Leah, Megan, Kim, and Ruffnut. 

Heather was head cheerleader. Leah, Megan, and Kim were all on the cheer squad too. Ruffnut wasn't. She was on the sports teams though. This group of girls was one in particular that seemed to target me. They were all staring at me while I walked past them, whispering to each other. I ignored it. I was looking at the floor when I bumped into someone. 

"Sorry." I heard and turned to see who it was. I got a glance and he had touched my arm to get by me. He had auburn hair and green eyes it seemed. He was wearing dark blue wash jeans and a red t-shirt with a leather jacket. I saw him go up to Heather and the girls and kiss her cheek. She smiled at him and kissed him. I rolled my eyes and walked to the cafeteria. I got my food and went and sat at a table alone. Like I always did. I didn't have much food on my tray but I didn't eat much anyway. I opened my notebook and started writing while I ate lunch. 

Hiccup's POV 

It was the first day of senior year. Most of us seniors were glad we would be done high school soon. I was standing at my locker with Snotlout, the school jock, and Fishlegs, and Tuffnut. They were talking about something, but I wasn't really paying attention. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl come in the doors. She had long blonde hair in a side braid. Her bangs were in her face. She had light blue jeans on that had rips all up and down the front of them. She was wearing on over sized grey hoodie with the hood on. She had her bag on her shoulder and I saw her pulling down her sleeves. I noticed red marks on her wrist. 

"-cup. Hiccup." I heard. I turned my attention back to the guys. 

"Yeah?" I said. 

"You okay?" Snotlout asked. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking." I said. 

"Of Heather? What you're gonna do with her later." He said. They started  laughing . 

"Guys. Stop, you know I'm not a guy to do that." I said. 

"You know she wants too though, right?" He said. 

"Yes. I know, and she knows I don't." I said. 

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