Chapter 2:

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Hey guys! It's httydseries_ here with httydobsessed13 and delightfully_dark on this shared account! It's my turn to write the next chapter so I hope you enjoy!
*******TRIGGER WARNING*******

This chapter has a severe cutting scene. Also has bullying and abuse.

If you are not comfortable, I wouldn't want you to read it. But it is your choice.

If you do struggle with self-harm, or are bullied or abused. I strongly encourage you to tell someone. Also if you want someone to talk too, I've been through a lot, including self-harm. I'm willing to talk to you. Or you can call Prevention lines, or Kids Help Phone. If you look them up. You can find their numbers. Or message me for them!
Hiccup's POV
I think I stopped breathing as soon as I heard the door click open. I immediately sprinted for a column that was a few feet away from the music room, shifting my body away from view. As soon as I heard Astrid turn a corner at the end of the hall, I came out of hiding. I realized I was sweating like I had just come from the gym and took out a bottle of water from my bag. I gulped down the cool, refreshing liquid and wiped my forehead with beads of sweat tickling at my forehead. Man that girl has a fascinating voice. Although she sang faintly, her voice sounded like ocean waves-powerful but beautiful and pure. A loud ringing jolted me back into reality as I made my way to my locker. Heather was already there waiting for me, her friends no where to be seen. Once I got closer, she draped her arms around my neck pulling me in for a kiss. We made out for a couple of minutes before I pulled away. "At least let me breathe so I can get my stuff." I chuckled, kissing her cheek. She smirked. "Oh come on Hiccup, live a little!" I was about to open my locker when she grabbed my hand. "Let's just ditch this hell hole." "You know I would never do that, I need to get an education." I said. She huffed, blowing a few strands out of her eyes. I gathered my things, placing them in my bag. "Then at least come over my house." Slyly, she snaked her leg around my torso. "You know I'm not ready for that yet either." I slowly removed her grasp from me and kissed her lips. "That should make up for it." I grinned. "It's a start." She smiled. We made our way back to class, holding hands and swinging them back and forth. All the while, I was debating whether or not I should ask her if she knew anything about the girl. Heather goes completely nuts when I talk about other girls but I'm hoping maybe she's calmed down with that subject. " know that Astrid girl in Mrs. Tanner's class?" Heather raised an eyebrow. I could see she was trying to choose her words carefully. "You mean that weird blonde freak?" She scrunches her face up a bit. "She doesn't seem weird..." I protested. "I was helping her pick up her books when--" "Wait, you actually helped her?" Now I got her attention cause suddenly we stopped walking. "Yeah, there's this thing called generosity?" I bumped her shoulder but Heather still looked serious. "What's wrong with helping her?" "NO one, EVER, helps Astrid. Ugh, I can't even say her name without thinking of how disgusting, ugly, and ridiculous she is." Heather always picks on other girls so this wasn't anything new, but I was surprised she thought the same away about Astrid. "Why do you think that?" I asked. "It's not an 'I think' Hiccup, it's an 'I know'. There's just something oddly different about her that gives off a bad vibe to everyone." Heather says. Before I could answer her though, the bell rang. "I promised the girls I would be at the gym to help them work on our cheer routine, which sadly means no time for us." She tapped my nose and planted a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll see you later babe." Heather smirked before heading off. Watching her leave, I suddenly remembered it was the middle of the day. That means I had 20 minutes of free time until my next class. I went outside, taking a pack of cigars out of my back pocket, and lit one. Leaning against the wall, I exhaled white puffs of smoke.

Astrid's P.O.V
The rest of my morning consisted of constant snickers and loads of sticky notes stuck to my back. All of that is normal by now but every now and then, it hurts to see "You're ugly" and "You're a loser." With all the shit I've been through, I deserve some respect but people here are just mean and uncaring. I make it to free period and head outside to get some fresh air. I was about to head to a bench to start on my homework when I hear "Do you wanna cigarette?" I turn around and see Hiccup leaning against the wall, holding out a cigar towards me. I think about it for a minute, I've heard lots of bad things about smoking. But I've also heard it relieves stress, which sounds like a good thing at the moment.
"Sure." I walk towards him as he lights the small, white pipe for me. "Thanks." I say, taking it from his hand. I put it in my mouth and inhale it. "Um..." He coughs. "I noticed some red marks on your wrist the other day, what's that from?" I gag, surprised at the question and the smoke. "It's none of your business." I spat, taking another puff. "You cut yourself, don't you?" I heard him say. I look at him with a glare. "I said it's none of your business. Do you ever listen?" I snapped again. "Thought so" he smirked, inhaling his smoke. We stood there in silence before I finally sighed and gave in. "Yes...that's how I relieve stress." I admitted. He looked at me a little surprised. "How long have you been doing it?" He asks. "7 months, it definitely helps a bit." I reply. He goes silent, biting his lip. " you do it?" "A lot goes on at home..." My voice drifts a bit. I don't want to tell him too much but then again, he's the first one that's actually stayed and had a real conversation with me. "Well what goes on at home?" He scratches the back of his head. "Um..." The bell rings before I can say anything. "We better get to class." I push a strand of hair out of my eyes. The corners of his lips turn up in a grin and I smile slightly. We threw away the cigarettes and started to head back to class. Once we enter Mrs. Tanner's room, I go directly to my seat and take out my notebook.

It's been two weeks and I keep noticing Hiccup staring at me in every. Single. Class. It's starting to bug me. I mean, he has a girlfriend and I know for a fact Heather isn't pleased about any of this. I decide to confront him about it, but first I had to get him alone and away from his clingy lady. That day, during free period I saw him smoking outside. I walked up to him. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "Sure, what's up?" He took another puff of smoke. Being very blunt I said "Why do you keep staring at me in class?" He didn't say anything. "You have a girlfriend, Heather." I said. "Have you forgotten about her or something? Do you realize how it's a bit weird to have a guy looking at you constantly? Plus, Heather probably doesn't want you--" My words were cut off by pair of warm lips. I felt a warm feeling run through my body. Something I've never felt before. A spark. When he pulled away I just started at him, shocked. "I-I'm sorry." He stammered before he walked away, leaving me with my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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