Y/N pov
This guy is kind of weird... I think. "WeLl tImE tO gO, mY PuPpeT" Error said as he grabbed me. "Wait what makes you think I'm going with you?" I replied "wHo sAiD yOu hAd a ChOiCe" he smirked and we went through a white portal.
Error pov
StUpId GiRl... I think. "YoU WiLl StAy HeRe UnTil I CoMe BaCk, mY PuPpEt" i tell y/n. ShE iS KiNd oF PrEtTy.....SnAp OuT oF iT YoU KnOw WhY YoU ToOk HeR i think as I leave. "Wait!" says y/n, but I leave anyway.
Y/N pov
So he just left me here all alone in this white, endless place I think as someone approaches me. "Hello! I'm UnderSwap Sans or Blueberry Sans or Blueberry or Blue" said someone who looks oddly alike to Error. "Ummm... hi I'm y/n" I reply. "So your a human right?" he asks. "Yeah..." I say. "Cool I wonder why he brought you here..." he wonders. "So where am I?" I ask. "The Anti-Void, of course" he answers. "So.. are you his quote on quote puppet too?" I ask. "Yup!" he replies. "So Blue, why am I here?" I ask. "Well i don't know Error wants to destroy all alternate universes, but I don't know why he would kidnap you" Blue replies. "Well I hope he comes back soon then I can ask some questions" I say.
Error pov
"MiSs mE AlReAdY, PuPpEt?" I say as I step out of the portal. "I have some questions" y/n says. "AnD I HaVe tO TrY SoMeThInG" i say. I get up in her face dangerously close and put my fist up (As to punch). y/n she blocks it immediately. "InTeResTiNg, TiMe FoR SoMeOnE tO GeT ThEiR PuNiShMeNt RiGhT #11" I say.
Author's Note:
Please tell my suggestions and how you want the story to play out. I will soon stop doing ThIs for Error cause I'm lazy :P K thanks hope you like this <3