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her before death : (found pic on Google)

her before death : (found pic on Google)

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Today was such a rush, all she could do was spray her body and clothes with her mother's perfume, cover her tangled hair with a black beanie and pull on her old boots and grab her literal rat of a bag and run to the train station four blocks from her home.

 By the time she got there it was already packed with people in suits and a few in casual wear, as she looked around a stern looking mother was furiously talking on her phone while her child was moving closer to the railroad, she didn't seem to be paying attention to her son as her face was turning purple with rage, the boy fell as he went to pick up his treat that he dropped behind the yellow line. A horn sounded as a train was coming closer towards the boy, no one was looking at him, why weren't they helping him?

Gwen tore off her bag and sprinted towards the little boy, she dropped down and picked the kid up and tossed him back up on the stand, she was just about to get up when her fucking shoelace got caught. Of all things her fucking shoelace just had to get caught, which was crazy because she ties it around her ankles and it somehow came undone. She struggled to get her boot off, but the train hit her side-on; her body rippled in pain and as her world faded black she heard the cry of a baby.


eh, salright?

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