21st November 2013

391 108 30

Dear Crush

I don't know if this would be my last letter to you. My body is seriously in a serious condition. It won't accept food or water. The doctors are trying hard to solve this problem. Did you ever think about eating through pipes? That is exactly what is happening now. Since I can't breathe naturally and my lungs have...collapsed, the doctors are feeding me through pipes. Well, aren't you lucky that this is another letter I'm able to write?

I was going through the Twilight series today. I wondered what it would be like if I turned into a vampire after dying. Ha! I'll still be after you...and when i would meet you, I'll say- "You don't know how long I have waited for you." Haha! I know I'm bringing that Edward Cullen effect. And you would be my Bella. Oh my, wouldn't it be hilarious? XD XD And then we'll get married and have the immortal child. Ain't it fun? Aah...I've gone into my lala land again, no?

Jeff. I'm seriously ill. Atleast you can peep in from the hospital door and show me your handsome face. I want to see you. I'm dying to do so. Let me have the previlige to die with you by my side. Life can't be so unfair. I need you now, Jeff. I need someone to put a soothing arm around my shoulders. Take off my burden. Please, do so. I know you know that I'm ill. I know the principal didnot listen to me and spread the word in school. I know student are making trolls on me. I know I've lost that tiny bit of my reputation. Consider my situation and come to see me.

Do you not miss our friendship? The bond that we had? Or was I just another fling in your classy life?

Am I completely erased from your memory that not a single thought of me passes in that bloody brain of yours? You know, I still wonder if I am actually alive or I'm just breathing. Life in the hospital seems so dull. I hate it. Hate being here. Hate these wires and pipes. Hate those blood-sucking white walls. And I hate myself.

That day, when I decided to give up my life, I should have done it. Now, I regret the decision of not doing it. I would not have to suffer these. And when I want it to happen, its just not happening. I am willing to die. Soon. Very very soon.

I may or may not write the next letter.
Until then,

Your non-existant friend,

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