Abstain my troth lest thou will vanish

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Thy lam affirms my demise

Facile evasion vests jittery wit

Vexation of thou fetches feebleness

What am I if you’ve done all of it?

Can’t thou espy, endure, listen?

The ensconced notion that never glow

For three years of burden

Unveiled the day thou say hello

Mum poems that I’ve written

Pick-up lines that were schmaltzy

Eerie messages that I’m transmitin’

Unbridled perceptions that I ferry

Austere cataclysms will appear

Unfathomable schisms will fume

My gross macrocosm will tear

If your mien will not resume

Anticipating thou gratifies me

While smiling at thy gorgeous cognomen

Our colloquy brings me inspiration to see

Oh I pantomimed akin to the idiot men

What an anxious observer am I?

Heeding every expedient thou take

‘Til the bell and couch goodbye

What a blissful smile I make?

Piqued by my despicable shy self

Get close and nothing I can do

Not closer enough and criticize myself

And pity ‘cause of thou too

Who am I to be a best friend of

Thou?My auspicious friend

Nor I’m not worthy to disburse time of

And to flood ire to thou my friend

I’m venturing the fires of hell

So with tormented souls and obtain torment

Sunk in the pernicious freezing well

Please draw a period to this torment

I beg thou to heed my resonating bellow

Absolutely sure that storm, earth and fire will answer

Nothing is what I bide than your hello

To promise you a promise that’ll last forever

A promise that every human will swear

A promise not to conquer nor to have conquest

A promise that no Juliet and Romeo together

And a promise no to courtship and friendship for the best

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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