Step 1: Getting Started.

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Hello Guys! In this first chapter, I will be helping you to start off the book writing job!

So, as you can see, many stories are cliched. A Bad Boy and a good Girl. A jerky vampire and cute inncocent human. Many stuff like that. This makes history sound foun: School is awesome and and nothing is exiting . You want to make a good story? Think. Make a plan. You can't just write the first thing that comes into your mind and publish it! You must plan. Try to think of an original plot. Something that won't bore people to death. Something that has some humor and exitement to it. 

First of all, You should think of what the story should be about. No one can find out what to write about in just five seconds! No. You need to read other writer's books. Good or bad. Good to give you an example. And bad so you'd know what to do and what not to do. You can also get your plot from something you've experienced and just turn it into something exiting. Just plan it all! Write down your story idea and start planning.

So now let's say you've got the story idea. What you need, is a matching title. Something that attracts people to read your story. Find the main idea of your story and write a title that fits it. But don't make it too long. Don't write it all in caps lock and PLEASE do not put smiley faces in it... this will make people think you're unprofetional and no one would read your story. 

And to make it original, create stuff yourself. Don't stick to the reality. Many people are inventing stuff themselves. Be unique! Do something that not a lot of people did and to do that, imagination is your companion.

Also make sure the title doesn't sound too stupid. If it's a story that has humor in it, find a crazy yet attarctive title. If it's a romance novel, you can take some romantic quotes, change them a bit and BAM! Your have your romantic title. But if you have a good imagination and a lot of ideas going on there, finding a romantic title shouldn't be so hard. And you probably get the rest. If it's something about adventures, come up with a title your self like "Ride to the death" or "Mission: Bromuda Triangle secrets"

Alright, now let's say you've gotten the title... You need to describe your book. it isn't simple I know. But you need to work on it. You can't just say " I have no idea what I should put here :'(. So just read the book and you'll know what it's about" This is what I call stupid. Sorry if I offended you... but to teach, you've gotta be strick! As soon as a see a description like that, I click back and choose another story. In my opinion, if you can't write a story discrpition, then you can't write a good book.

I also find it unprofetionall if you put smiley faces in your description, Caps lock or this "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This. Is. Simply. Unprofetional. 

And if you have no idea about the description, just paste a scene from your story. A dramtic, or attracting scene in your story that makes people want to read to find out.

So let's say you made the story, same thing for the title, find the main idea and write it down. Not too short or too long. Describe your story but not all of it! Just tell us what it's about but first of all introducing the characters, who they are, and what's the story about. 


So as you can see, getting started is pretty easy when someone tells you how to do it! Next chappie will be helping you through your book and what to put in your chapters, a few examples, what to do and what not to do! I hope the first chapter helped :) 

Mindy's guide to make a good storyWhere stories live. Discover now