Step 2: The Chapters (Fan Fictions and Romance)

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(So basically, this step helps you in the formation of your chapter. I will be giving examples, tips, and something very true... So basically, it'll be a long chapter.)

Hello fellow soon-to-be-writers! This is your sensei, Mindy. The one that will be helping you today on making a good chapter!

So mostly, you know that the chapters make the story and in order to make the story a good one, the chapters must be good too!

Well first of all chapters are supposed to stay focused on the plot you've chosen. Don't rush the ideas because doing so would cause many stuff like:

_Confusion of the reader

_It'll be shown that there are alot of un-necessairy information

_That the whole idea is pushed together and you just want to get to the point faster

All the ideas should come in due time because if you just cram them up in the same chapter it'll be extermely long and the reader would get bored. Stay focused on what the chapter started with and don't rush ideas together. 

Let's say you're writing a fan fiction about... One Direction! here's an example of what you shouldn't do, AT ALL while writing a story.

I am sooooooo happy I will go on a 1D concert today!!!!! YAY! I begged my mom to get me tickets but she said no because we're a poor family and my dad abuses me a lot  so he doesn't let me and will hit me if I go! :'( But I don't care! I would do anything for One Direction!

So I just made that up to give you an example on what you should NOT include in a story.  never write "Sooooooo" because I have noticed that many writers do that. If it's in a fan fiction it shows how much of hormonic teen agers they are. You want to make a story about loving One Direction? Don't make it stupid and sound retarted because it will make people want either laugh at you or just rant about how unprofetional you are. Now let's continue this beautiful examle!

I have all their posters on my wall! but my dad doesn't know because everytime he enters my room I hide them.

OKAY PAUSE! See what I mean? This is an example of how your story has to make sence. If you're going to write something like that I suggest to keep it to yourself because no one will ever read it.

Okay so now I am in the car with my BFF Lilly!!! I love her so much! She is also a big 1D fan! heheheh. That's why I lvoe her so much! :D

So that's the problem here. Never under any circumstances write in abbreviations!  Writing BFF, hahhahahah (which shows you're some child writing this just to drool over her biggest idol) And of course, do not put smiley faces.

We are at the concert watching the concert front row! 

Alright wait! At the concert watching the concert. Don't be repetitive. Ever. A watch out! You said you were poor, make it believeable.

One Direction are sooooooooooooooooooooo handsome! I want to marry them all! heheh. And suddently, I see Harry stare at me! OMG! HE IS SINGING TO MEEEEE!

Someone's a little hormonic... Don't write in caps lock. Please... just, don't.

And suddently, He held me up and brought me on stage! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!  And then when the song ended he brought me backstage 

"What's wrong?" I ask him

"Do you wanna go out with me?"  HARRY STYLES WANTS TO GO OUT WITH MEEEEEH!!!

"YES! But wait, what about Taylor Swift?"

"I don't care about Taylor Swift! See you tonight love"

Okay I am horrified just writing. Not a big 1D fan so I have no idea what Taylor and Harry are right now. But see? This is just too fast pasted and she only wrote this as somekind of fanasy she wants to live. Well I kinda made it up but imagine someone writing stuff like that? Would you keep reading or bang your head on the wall not wanting to live on this planet any more?

 Now let's say you writing a romantic story. Things have to go on slowly from the first day they met till the end end of the story. During the first chapter you're writing, it's better to put the main characters in some kind of situation and keep going in the story's paste correctly. I'd suggest not to start it off with someone yelling for them to hurry up or something.

For example you could start off with their dream, or them walking on the street, or at school bored to death. But watch out! Add description to make it look real and believable.

Now when the two love birds meet, they can't just start a hot make out session after the first  five minutes of discussion they had from the first time they met! No! It's too fast pasted and just not professionel. During the chapters, write about how their relationship is.

They could either start off as friends, and developp feelings along the way in a few special phases, enemies, where they hate each other to death, describe how much they hate each other and find out a way to make them break the ice (Be creative!) or just add some action to it, something cool like the guy or even the girl being a super secret spy or something which will bring danger to their loved one!

There are also many ideas you can use to make up a love story but I'm just giving you examples so you wouldn't make your story cheesy and Cliche. Find something original that no one has ever done before, something exiting, mysterious, thrilling, Anything! But don't forget, romantic stories can come out in any forms.

Now on to seperating the paragraphs. Don't make them too long. I witnessed a lot of those when I read some writer's books and I got lost through the paragraphs. My eyes began to hurt and I had to squeeze them for five seconds to reajust. Well maybe it's just me... But I think it's pretty annoying and if you're like me, you'd stop reading it in fear of becoming blind.

The vocabulary and grammar. Something very important in a chapter because if you can't write half of all the words of your chapters correctly, the book either makes no sence or you'd look like you dropped out of school when you were seven.

You can search for descriptive words on google. There are a lot of sites for synonyms and antonyms of words that might help you look like a sir. Or have the reputation of one. It's very important since it makes the reader feel like he's living the scene. It also helps to look for words that describe feelings so the reader would know how your characters feel.

In my opinion, if you can emotionally toutch the reader, you're writing a good story.

But sometimes, chapters shouldn't only contain emotional states. It should contain scenes, actions, dialogue (wich wouldn't be necessary from time to time) and many more. That makes up a chapter. But watch out! Like I said before, don't make it fast pasted and let things take slowly. But not too slowly because readers might get bored.



Hola Amigos! This is it for now! I really hope it helped as much as the last chapter helped. But these are just basics for now. There are many more you should learn but I'll get into farther deatails in other chapters. Till then, I'm asking you, my fellow students, to make a small story using those tips at least two or three chapters to show me how much you've improved. You know... Kinda like an essay!

I know we're not at school, but this is for your own good. It helps you developp your imagination and become a better writer.  I'll be critiquing your creations because in my opnion, this is a true way to help you improve.

You don't really have to do it but if you do, you've made a great chocice :) tip: You can write about a dream and the character you've chosen to have that dream wakes up in some way wishing the dream was ture. Use description of scenery, states and feelings.

Mindy's guide to make a good storyWhere stories live. Discover now