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A serene feeling...

SILENCE has the power to rule without words..
It is so addictive that when a soul experience its taste its almost impossible to let go..
It is said that silent people have the loudest mind..
But in my opinion a person should balance between both to be silent and to be loud.
Too much SILENCE is also not appealing..

If there is person sitting infront of you and watching you in silence.be aware as he/she is observing you in depths..;-)

Honestly I am too afraid too sit infront of people who just stare at you without saying a word it gives you creeps ..and you keep talking in your mind that
Do I look funny.
Is there something on my face.
Are they okay ..etc..

But seriously the person who is introduced to silence cant let go its comfort easily..

They don't have to face many problems.as they don't talk much..
Their imagination is quite great..
They have built their own walls around them and prefer to stay behind them..
SILENCE is a great feeling but to an extent ..and talking to
too much leads you to many problems..

" Silence for the ordinary people is
with their tongues,
silence for the mystics is with their
hearts, and silence for lovers is with
restraining the stray thoughts .... that
come to their innermost beings. "

- Sufi Saying..

SILENCE does have its virtues..

Silent people are not arrogant nor are they proud..
Dont misjudge.
Everyone has its own way of living and intracting with people..
Never assume without completely knowing..



So. Meditation is very good for health and it can only be done in SILENCE.. but not too much..

Everything has a balance and an extent after which it is harmfull..

To be silent is a quality..but to be engulfed by it is not..

Be silent when needed..but also try to take part in other activities going around you..dont be victimized by SILENCE..as you have to cover a long path.and it cannot be done with only SILENCE..

Intracting is also important to some extent..

Speak when you know your words are better than your SILENCE..

I hope know all the people who love to be in tranquility always..Will try to change a little.as too much of it is not good..

Stay Happy..and keep smiling :-)

May Allah bless you..

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