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The feeling you get while getting to know a person depends upon there personality..

Some have so beautiful personality that the feeling you get while knowing them and talking to them is amazing..

Some are quite polished from out but there personality makes you move away from them..

Personality is like fragrance.
A flower with a beautiful fragrance attracts even from far..

And if a flower has a foul smell it will make a person move away even if it's near..

Every person has it's own fragrance.,and on that it depends how attracted we are to them..

Personality is many times mistaken by outer appearance..
Which is quite wrong because sadly there are people with lavishing outer appearance and a bad personality..

From my personal experience I get more attracted to simple people with beautiful personality .I have met many people with rich background and remarkable outer appearance. But it was quite hard for me to talk to them because I was not at all comfortable

And I have met people with so simple appearance but amazing personality that I didn't even wanted to stop talking to them.. I was enjoying to get to know them better and having an amazing time..

Sometimes you meet some people whose simple and little words touch your hearts..

There smiles are not fake
They don't need to act
They are simply amazing..

There are also people with both good appearance and a beautiful personality..they are also wonderful..

There are people so rich but to down to earth and there are people just normal but with high attitude..

Personality is not something you can hide..and if you try to than not for long..

Personality is like a sparkle you can see even from far..like stars from earth..There light is the main thing which attracts you to see them..

Personality is the reason you gather good friends..

Don't make your personality as such only people with high attitude can meet you..

Make your personality as people with enormous love and beautiful heart can meet you..

Be a mentor to someone..

Don't be a lesson that no one can forget..

The people I have met with amazing personality are enormous but most of them were old people..
They have the best personality.so soft spoken,so caring and they have incredible knowledge. Sitting with old people makes you more tender and it does polish your personality..it doesn't makes you an old soul no . When you sit with them only than can you know the changes there words can bring in your life..They are truly amazing and so very adorable.

When someone accidentally spills something on your expensive dress and you say no problem.This is not your personality..but when they go away and you start cleaning your dress what you say to them in your heart while cleaning it shows your personality..

Be a person so that anyone who meets you has a urge to meet you again from heart..

Be a person that if any old person looks at you expectantly .you help them happily.,

Be a person who can see a pearl hidden in a shell ..

Build your personality as if any one wants help or wants to share something your name comes the first in there mind

Your personality can solve problems of many and can create problems for many..

Believe me your personality has the power to change others..

It depends on you what you want others to be because of you in a mess or in tranquility..

Your personality cannot be hidden by your beauty..
But personality has the power to hide your beauty..
Don't be a reason for someone's tears ..They have power to take your peace.Which you can't afford to buy because it's priceless..

So you all amazing people with amazing personality..stay away from people with bad personality but first try to change them if you see that your work is of no use them move away..


Your personality is your essence..

Stay blessed..

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