Chapter 1

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Getting through college, finding a job and starting a family life with the right man is what any girl wishes to have.  To accomplish in life. But some people may have other things to do in life. Ambitions made by a feeling or experience.  Ambitions kept a secret because of it's darkness.  Elizabeth Rose Anderson may have such an ambition.  An ambition that one such as you and I would call as 'revenge'. Revenge that that has been rolling in her tongue not willing to to be let out. Revenge which is bitter yet sweet when it's necessary to punish the ones who are a threat for the living beings.

Working part time in the public library was one of the best decisions she ever made. As her shift came to an end she stepped out and took a deep breath. Inhaling the salty breeze blowing from the nearby sea. It was a habit to go to the beach and walk along the golden sandy shores while looking at the sunset which she thought of as the most beautiful view a person could ever look at.

But not today.

Walking down the sidewalk she came to a halt in front of an old building with four stories. She slowly turned the door knob and went in.  While climbing the staircase, all she could do was think of an excuse to not go out tonight. Finally reaching the apartment she walked left and opened the door the one place she now called 'home'. It was not much, but it was everything she could have ever asked for.

"Rosyyyyy," a voice squealed as she was tackled into a bear hug.

"Yep, I have no way out of this." Rose said with amusement as she hugged back the one girl she has lived with side by side for six years, growing up together. 

Alison Leeha Anderson.  Her best  friend.  Her partner in crime.  Her other half. And her sister. Maybe not by blood but she is her sister.

Alison giggled like a school girl as she dragged Rose to their room and start picking up dresses of all kinds. "Rosy, we need to get you dressed! I'm so glad that you're coming with me, I am so nervous that I think I might faint before we even step out the door." Alison went on jabbering as she went on picking up a black halter dress approvingly and a white dress which was very much revealing handing it over to Rose. Rose looked at her puzzled as she realized that she was supposed to wear it.

"Oh, no! no no no...I " Rose started when she was cut off by Alison "Rose your man is coming tonight and you need to look ravishing!" Alison said with much annoyance. 

"My man?," Rose asked quite confused about her man that she never knew of.

"Michael! For god's sake you're not going to disappoint him again are you? " Alison asked leaving Rose to let out a frustrated sigh, " he is not my man Al! And yes I'm refusing him tonight as well", she said  exasperated.

"Rose?" Alison softly asked with big eyes indicating that she is highly worried. "Are you a lesbian? "

Rose chocked, as she looked at Alison with disbelief. "Al are you crazy or what? "

"Then whyyyyy don't you have a boyfriend?! " Alison cried her dramatic self taking over. "Its been six darned years and I've never ever heard of a boyfriend of yours!"

"Al, just calm down its just that I'm waiting for the right man. And Michael is not the one. In fact I have some things to do before i think about some guy from morning till night. "

Alison watched Rose and seeing that she spoke the truth she finally put her hands in the air in defeat. "Fine. Whatever helps you to sleep at night. But you better make sure you marry a man so that I can be an aunt!" she said. Making Rose shake her head with amusement. 

In half an hour they were both finished with dressing up. Rose wore a white shirt along with jeans and sneakers with her brown hair tied up in a pony tail and looked at Alison only to gawp at how amazing she looked in her black halter dress which hugged every curve in her body. She let down her silver blond hair as she wore her strapped heels.

"Jake is going to have a mighty hard time keeping his hands to himself tonight " Rosy exclaimed.

"And Michael is going to be stunned by how beautiful his crush is" , Alison said with a wink while Rose rolled her eyes heavenwards.

"But seriously Rose, you need to try out a dress once in awhile. "

"My life motto is live comfy and die comfy Al," Rose said with a shrug while walking down and out the building where Michael and Jake were waiting.

"Whoa ladies!" Michael exclaimed after gawping for a good few minutes.
"You look hot babe," Jake said as he snaked his hands around Alison's waist and kissed her. Rose scrunched up her nose as she looked away from them, getting in the car. For some odd reason Rose didn't feel right about Jake. She feared for Alison's safety which is why she agreed to accompany her tonight.

Parking outside 'Blue oysters'  Jake walked in with Alison while Michael and Rose trailed along behind them. Rose not really liking being exposed kept close to Alison.  "Ill get the drinks Michael said, walking towards the bar leaving the trio to walk towards an unoccupied table at the corner. Why was she here again? Oh yes, because Alison wanted to try and hook Rose with a guy and because she wanted Alison to be safe. Rose had to keep reminding herself that she promised her Foster parents that she will take care of Alison and that she's her sister.

Rose being the sensible one who took responsibilities, lacked what her best friend had. A social life and a great personality. She was more of the timid, and self conscious, sensible and over thinking kind of girl growing up with books,  trying to forget her dark past, preparing herself for any possible attack and revenge.

Rose looked to her right to see Alison and Jake making out.  She quickly looked away feeling her cheeks get warm. She looked into the crowd searching for Michael.  It was hard to spot anyone in the dark with the dancing floor overflowing with bodies moving to and fro to the music.

All of a sudden everything seemed to slow down for her as she looked into a pair of handsome eyes that was looking in her direction. Eyes that seem to scan hers from across the dance floor and many many tables. All of a sudden her heart raced. Thoughts flooding her mind. Have they discovered where she lived? Do they know know her? Are they following her? Is that man one of them?

She couldn't calm down. She was about to excuse herself when Alison shouted over the music, " let's dance Rosy" and dragged her to the dance floor.  She stopped and started moving her hips to the music, clearly enjoying the feel of being young and wild. Rose watched her friend with a smile seeing how happy she was and although being someone who never was good at dancing now moved trying to catch up with the music as her mind was rolling in thoughts which made her heart pound and look around her now and again.

Alison stopped and scanned the worried look of Rose . " Rose are you okay?" She asked suddenly bringing Rose to reality. Not wanting to spoil her friends happiness she smiled and lied " yeah, I'm fine".

Meanwhile in the dark corner a figure approached the man seated. "I informed them." He said, rather satisfied with himself. " They are watching. "

A sly smile grew on the face of the man seated as he exclaimed softly.

"The night has just started."

Hiiiii peeps.  ;)

So here's the much awaited first chapter. I will be updating chapter two and three pretty soon within this week.

I need lots of help from you guys so make sure you keep commenting and voting because I'm one of those people that enjoy reading comments. Hahahhahaha I know I know i can be pretty creepy sometimes.

Hang on to the story people. I promise you wont regret by the end.  :)

Love you'll wattwormies <3

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