Chapter 3

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He seem to get closer. Rose couldn't even think of getting her eyes off the man.

His fine chiseled face, his muscular body that couldn't be hidden by a mere suit. He was a man carved into shape by God for certain, thought Rose. 

She was in deep thought when suddenly she realized that she was facing a stone hard chest of a sexy beast in a suit. He took the flier from her hand along with her documents. That was when Rose remembered where she was and what she was supposed to be doing instead of gawping at this perfectly handsome God made man.

"Name?" A sharp yet handsome voice asked in a rough tone as she looked up to those beautiful eyes as she realized to whom the voice belonged.

"I....I.. I'm Rose.... sir... Elizabeth Rose Anderson. " she literally smacked herself mentally for stammering and making a complete fool of herself ever since the second she stepped inside this room. 

"Take a seat Miss. Anderson, " the man who she assumed to be Mr. Genovese ordered before turning around and returning to his feet and sitting down. Rose, being the shy and intimidated self she was,  now did as she was told feeling small like a kindergarten kid and waited until Mr.  Genovese go through her documents which she carried around whenever she applied for a job. 

She studied his room. Fine antique which seemed very foreign filled the room with grace bringing out an elegant sophisticated look. A rich red carpet spread throughout the floor. Beautiful paintings covered the walls. It was magnificent she thought. 

Her thoughts were disturbed as he spoke, "Ms.  Anderson, you can have the job but you wish to work only part time is it?"

"Yes sir," Rose replied. 

"We need a full time employee Ms Anderson."

Silence. Silence.  'I knew it! I knew my expectations won't fit in here!!! Aliiiii!' She thought.

"However if you can work till late hours we can make an arrangement," he said while handing over a file with details about the job and what to do, what to wear which was anything that she was told to. And when she saw the amount of the salary, her eyes nearly popped out.

"I... sir.. the salary... it's too much I...I can't..."

"We pay for what you work for Ms. Anderson. You will have more than enough work fit for the salary."

"But it's just a waiting the tables!" She cried historically quite forgetting her place.

" it is, " he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.   "But you might have other work if you would like to do."

Thinking about it she finally agreed and signed the document. Mr. Genovese then brought out another paper, handing it over to her and saying, "this is our code of silence Ms Anderson. Since you have already signed up for our offer I will explain how things work around here." He said.  His eyes getting darker.
'Okay he just went from scary to super scary,' thought Rose. 

"Whatever happens, whatever you hear or see,  whatever you must do will not leave these walls. You will not tell anyone. Once you leave this place, you know nothing of what happens here. You have seen nothing.  And you have heard nothing. If you blab one word about anything, your body will be found somewhere, beyond recognition.  Are we clear Ms. Anderson?  "

Now afraid of what she has gotten herself into she gulped before asking "why?" And looked down. He was silent and in seconds he was next to her. Leaning down on her chair where they met face to face. 

As he looked down on her, she sensed danger. Then she remembered.  She remembered him. A man. A man that made her past a living nightmare. A man that she wanted to stay away from, yet get close for revenge. She was so afraid that she was shivering. Shivering as cold memories flood her mind. Memories that terrified her. Memories that lasted as nightmares every night. Memories that took away everything precious to her. Memories that made her want to bury herself so deep in the ground, so that no one will find her for a million years.

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