Chapter 9: Trust Betrayed

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Being in Haku's river over the weekend had been pure bliss, but by the time she actually stood on dry land again, she had the worst case of 'sea legs'. She was all wrinkled up from being in, or under, water for so long, but a simple spell from Haku quickly fixed that. She almost regretted having to return to the bathhouse, but both she and Haku knew that they had jobs to do.

"Haku, that was the most magical experience I've ever had!" Chihiro cried as she rode on the back of the great river spirit.

'I am glad you enjoyed yourself.' Haku spoke in her mind. 'I too enjoyed your company. Would you like to come with me during all my trips?'

Chihiro felt overwhelmed. "You'd… you'd really let me?"

The dragon nodded. 'It would be an honor to always have you with me.'

"Oh Haku… WHOA!"

She had attempted to huge him and nearly lost her grip. She quickly readjusted herself as Haku chuckled.

'Careful, I wouldn't want to face Lin if I brought you back damaged in anyway.'

Chihiro smiled. "Don't worry, I trust you. I know you won't let anything happen to me."

Haku winced slightly when she said that. She won't be happy if she found out that he and the others had secretly been trying to think of a way to send her back to the human world. The thought tore at his heart. He wanted nothing more than to have her with him forever. But he wanted what was best for her. He loved her so much that he would do whatever it took for her to be happy.

He put those thoughts aside. He wouldn't worry about that now. This weekend with her had been incredible, and he wanted to enjoy these last few moments alone with his love.

'Hang on tight.' He told her.

He picked up speed. Chihiro was once again blinded by the bright light that had engulfed them on the way to the river. When the light faded, they were once again in familiar territory, not that Chihiro had seen much else of the spirit world besides the bathhouse and Swamp Bottom. She made a mental note to try and see Zeniba at some point. Perhaps Haku could take her there.

"Haku, slow down." She cried, as he went in for landing, a little too quickly for her liking. "Haku, slow down! Slow down! Haku! HAKU!"

Haku pulled up a few feet before he hit the ground and landed gracefully on the bridge. Chihiro was wide eyed with a terrified expression on her face; her grip on Haku's horns was so tight that her knuckles were white. Slowly she slid off Haku and stood on wobbly legs. She could hear Haku snickering and she turned to him, annoyed.

"That was not funny." She said. "Don't do that again."

Haku shifted back to his human form, grinning. "Come on, you enjoyed that."

Chihiro glared at him, but it was hard to stay angry with him when he was grinning like that and she broke into a grin. "Ok, ok. Just don't make a habit out of it." She suddenly noticed that her hair was in her face and she looked over the bridge at her reflection in the water. She'd had bad hair days before, but this was by far the worst; no doubt from spending the past few days underwater and then flying at high speed on Haku's back. "Yikes! Look at my hair. It's a mess."

She saw Haku's reflection appear next to hers. "You're beautiful." He said.

Chihiro blushed and playfully shoved him. "Oh, come on. Look at me. I look terrible."

Haku's expression didn't change. "I'm serious. You're always beautiful in my eyes." Chihiro turned a darker shade of red. "But if you're so concerned with your hair." He blew lightly at her. Chihiro's hair untangled and straightened out into her usual hairstyle. "There you go, problem solved, beautiful."

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