Chapter 17: Warnings

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Haku had long since given up walking and was once again in his dragon form, flying over the forest, yet still following the path the forest spirit had created for him. He flew as fast as he could. Every second he wasn't with his beloved Chihiro was a second she could be in danger. He had to find her, and nothing was going to-

A flash of light momentarily blinded him. He halted in midair, squinting to see through the light. Once he could see again, he found a tall powerful man standing, or floating really, before him.

"That's far enough, Kohaku." The man said calmly.

Haku glared at the man, having never seen the sorcerer before, he had no idea he was in the presence of Lord Okaia. He changed back to his human form and continued to glare at the mighty sorcerer.

"I have permission from the spirit of this forest to pass through." He growled.

Lord Okaia smiled. "I am well aware of that. What I meant to say is that I'm afraid I cannot allow you to go any further on your quest to rescue your human, Chihiro."

Haku's eyes flashed angrily. "Who are you to order me around?" he demanded. "Do you know who I am?"

Lord Okaia's expression remained the same. "I do. You are Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, the spirit of the Kohaku River." He gave the spirit a smug smile. "The question is, do you know who I am?" Haku didn't reply, he wasn't going to admit that he didn't know. Lord Okaia smiled more broadly. "I'll give you a hint. It was I that spoke to you through Zeniba."

Haku's eyes widened with realization. "Lord Okaia?"

The sorcerer nodded. "Very good. But you have a problem with following orders. I specifically told you to return to the bathhouse and to leave Chihiro alone. Let her do as she wishes."

Haku's surprise became anger once again. "Never! There's no way I'm leaving Chihiro on her own in the spirit world."

"She's not alone." Lord Okaia replied, not flinching in the slightest at Haku's anger. "Zeniba, Yu-bird, and Kaonashi are with her." Haku's expression didn't soften. "Ah, I see that you doubt your friends' ability to protect her."

Haku shook his head. "No, I just want to be there with her. If I am there, I know for a fact that she will be safe. I would never allow anything to happen to her."

Lord Okaia nodded. "I know you wouldn't. But you can't always be there for her. Besides, she is stronger than that. Have more faith in her."

"I do have faith in her!" Haku shouted, feeling insulted. "I just don't want to take any chances!"

Lord Okaia's eyes narrowed slightly. "There is no need to shout, Kohaku. And I know that you just want to protect her, but I'm afraid I can't let you see her yet."

Haku's anger hit its boiling point. No one, not even the great Lord Okaia would stop him from being with Chihiro. "I don't care what you think! I'm going to her! You can either stand aside or I can go through you!"

Lord Okaia's power exploded outward. Haku was shocked by its intensity. Lord Okaia's eyes were glowing with a silver light and a silver aura swirled around him, making his hair and clothes wave around as if a powerful wind was blowing them. Haku had to resist the urge to move back. Lord Okaia was scary when he was mad.

"How dare you speak to me in such a way!" Lord Okaia bellowed, his voice echoing. "You dare to threaten me and question my power! You're smarter than that, Kohaku! You should know better than to challenge my power!"

Haku's first thought was to cower down before the mighty sorcerer. He was very powerful, but he was no match for Lord Okaia, and he knew it. But then the thought of Chihiro erased all his fears and his stood his ground; not literally since he was in the air.

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