Chapter Four: The Second Job

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Dedicated to bepositivealex92! Check out her story "Look After You"

Warning: Strong Language and Sexual References!


Chapter Four: The Second Job

Luke was released from the hospital the next day and his truck mysteriously showed up at his house the day after that. There were still no leads about who attacked Luke and he claimed that the last thing he remembered was getting gas on his way out of Chicago. Lucky for Luke's story amnesia just happened to be a common side-effect for head injuries.

Maddie also headed back to school, but not before telling Juliana about her break-up with Beau. Juliana was more heartbroken than anyone and even tried to convince Maddie to take a few years off of school to start a family. Apparently, a woman could be considered a spinster if she made it to twenty-five without getting married. Who knew?

Ary took her mother's moment of depression to escape back to Chicago for a day. It had been nearly a week since Rave had accepted her offer and she wanted to make sure he had kept up on his side of the deal. Five days was plenty of time to get back in with the Bloodbaths, or at least make himself a target on their radar.

This time Ary came prepared. She was wearing baggy gym shorts and an oversized hoodie sweatshirt. Rave could mock her attire all he wanted, but there was no way he could find anything sexual about it. She also had a tazer hidden in the pouch of her hoodie, just in case.

Ary was going to head straight for the elevator when she noticed something at the back of the warehouse. A tarp was covering something that hadn't been there on her last visit. Curious by nature, Ary made a little detour on her way up to see Rave. As she got closer, it became obvious that the tarp was covering a car. So, Rave went out and got himself a new toy with the ten grand she gave him.

She was in the process of yanking the tarp off of the car when she heard the screech of the elevator moving. Panicked, she slid the tarp back into place and jumped behind one of the pallets of timber. It was a wonder she was so good at stealing and lying when she acted so jumpy all the time.

Standing on tip toes, she peered over the stack of wood and waited for whoever was on the elevator to get out. It seemed to take forever for the elevator doors to open, or maybe it just seemed that way because Ary was an impatient person.

Finally the doors opened and out stepped Rave. Ary couldn't help but to be a little disappointed. She was kind of hoping for some gangster badass to step out, but at least Rave was fully clothed this time. He was wearing dark wash jeans and a black t-shirt that clung to his defined muscles. He looked hot, and the dark stubble on his jaw just accentuated the mysterious stranger look he had going for him.

"Hey, Rave," Ary called, stepping out from her hiding spot.

Rave didn't seem startled to see her. Good. She didn't need him whipping out a gun and accidentally shooting her. His gaze studied her ridiculous attire before settling on her face and that's when she noticed he had a yellow and green bruise just beneath his left eye.

"How'd you get that?" Ary asked, nodding towards his fading bruise.

"The current leader of the Bloodbaths," Rave shrugged, playing it cool.

"Oh, good," Ary replied, happily. Rave frowned at her. "You deserve to be sucker punched every once in a while," she told him.

"I'm getting friendly with my gang again, what more do you want from me?" Rave snapped. He didn't seem too happy with her response.

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