Senti (feeling crazed):
When you see that possessive hand of HARRY on LOUIS' thigh just after the interviewer patted it. But HARRY patted it TwIcE.
😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🙌🙌🙌Mental (feeling overwhelmed) :
When you watch the video again and again and rub your eyes once, TWICE and OVEr agAin. Because you just saw how Louis counted on HARRY'S fingers....
I Get Senti And Mental When...(LARRY BOOK 1)
Random[BOOK ONE OF MY LARRY SERIES] ~~LARRY MAINLY ( May include my frustrations in real life)~~ WARNING: Contains Emojis. -_- ❤⚓Knock-Knock Jokes included!⚓❤ Its for LARRIES. Do not like it? Don't read. What do you even look for in a description of BOO...