Chapter Twenty

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{{Marcel's POV}}

I snapped my head up at the sound of Delaney's voice. 

I quickly scrambled to my feet to run towards her, but before I could she was already out of the store, and Ashia was death gripping my arm.

"Ashia, I have to go."

"Why the hell do you do this Marcel?!"

"Do what?"


"I'm not!"

"You just kissed me back, and tell me you love me, and now you're going to chase after Delaney!"

"Because we're dating!"

"You just said-"

"I know what I said Ashia! But right now, Del is my girlfriend, you're not. I need to be with her right now."

"Fine, do what you want, but this was your last chance at ever patching up our so called friendship."

"What are you-"

"GET OUT MARCEL. But remember-"

I didn't give it a second thought, I was headed for the door.

"-Once you walk out, we're done."

I took a deep breath, standing at the door. Was Delaney really worth loosing Ashia?

I turned around to look at Ashia, tears were brimming her perfect eyes.

I looked for Del through the glass window, she was sitting by the truck. Emotionless.

I opened the door, walking out and over to Delaney.

I hope I'm making the right choice.

Written In DorkWhere stories live. Discover now