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Before I start I just want to say it's your choice to watch the first video. But I would recommend you watch the trailer because oml it made me laugh. But please watch the second video or what me and Simon are on about after won't make sense.. Thankyou!
So here I was sitting next to Simon about to open this big ass birthday present. It was alive and I had no clue what it was. Simon watched as I carefully unwrapped it.
"Oh my gosh!" I began to cry
"Do you like him?"
"He's amazing! Oh Simon! I love you so much! How did you know?"
"I remember the conversation you had with my mum.. The day of the crash. Man I remember everything from that day. Every second. I could remember you loved my dog and you said you've always wanted a dog.."
"Oh Simon! Thankyou! This is the best gift in the entire world!"
Inside was the cutest puppy I'd ever seen! It was a king Charles spaniel!

""Oh Simon! Thankyou! This is the best gift in the entire world!"Inside was the cutest puppy I'd ever seen! It was a king Charles spaniel!

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"God Simon what did I do so right to deserve a man like you?"
He kissed my forehead.
"So. Do you wanna open your other presents? Oh yeah and your mum is coming over later she said she misses you." Simon watched me open my other presents. I loved them all. This was the best birthday ever.
"Oh my god Simon!"
"Yeah birthday girl?"
"We have a pregnancy test to try!"
"Let's hope we're lucky this time!" We walked upstairs together I went in the bathroom and Simon waited outside. Were we finally lucky enough to have another chance? I pissed on the test. I was dreading what it would say. I looked down at the test. I opened the door and gave it Simon.
"Simon..." He looked down at the test and read it out loud.
"Pregnant. Wait Harley your pregnant! We've finally been given another chance!" I jumped into Simons arms.
"What's going on here?" Sara said
"I'm pregnant! Me and Simon are having a baby!!"
"Me and Sara told you to not lose hope Si!" Emma said Simon smiled at them both.
"See. You thought you lost them both. And now you have Harley and your baby back!" Sara said
I was still in Simons arms he kissed me.
Simons POV:
I was the happiest man on earth right now! What could go wrong? I was getting married to my beautiful girlfriend. We had a new dog. And a baby on the way. And it was Harley's birthday!
Harley POV:
I got down from Simons arms and kissed him once more.
"So birthday girl. What do you wanna do for your birthday?"
"How about we just stay here? We can watch a film. Eat junk food. Play around with Boo? And my mums coming over today."
"That actually sounds fun! Yeah of course we can do that princess! What film do you want to watch? I'll go to the shop and get it."
"You know I really fancy watching 'Shaun of the dead' God I love that film!"
"You like that too? Its one of my favourite films!"
"Of course! Who doesn't?" I laughed
"Do you wanna go together? We can pick some food to have and pick up a Domino's?"
"Yeah sure!"
Sara POV:
"Emma? Do you think they're ready for this baby?"
"I don't know I mean they got over the dead baby problem quick. But if they want to move fast they can." Emma said
"I just don't want anybody getting hurt."
"I'm sure they won't. Aw oh my gosh! Who is this?" Emma said she went towards the dog. She picked him up and had her on her knee.
"I'm just being stupid. I guess I don't want them to have problems with the baby again. Because when a baby dies while he's stillborn the parent is more likely to have complications.."
Harley POV:
We brought so much stuff from the shops. Me and Simon sat on the sofa and waited for the pizza to cool down. While we waited we ate our crisps and chocolate and watched 'Shaun of the dead'

Simon and I laughed so hard. We both loved this film as much as each other which was nice. Then for the rest of the day me and Simon started talking like this:

We must of found it hilarious.
"Simon pass me the funking pizza. You funking idiot!" I laughed
"Stop being such a lazy funk and get it yourself" Simon joked
Oh god I'd never laughed so hard in my life. Just as the film finished there was a knock at the door. It was mum.
"Harley! I've not seen you in ages since you and Simon lived together! Is your leg ok now?"
"Yeah it's fine."
"Have you had a good day?"
"Yeah this has probably been the best birthday ever. Oh and I have two surprises for you! One is that Simon brought me a dog for my birthday! Her name is Boo!"
"Aw she's adorable! And the next surprise?"
"I'm pregnant.." My mum hugged me.
"Finally! Let's hope this ones ok! Oh and I have a present for you. I can't believe your 22 already! I got you loads of clothes. I need to go. I wish I could stay but I'm on night shifts tonight. I love you Harley! And you better look after her this time Simon!"
She left. Me and Simon felt so sick from eating so much junk food.
"I cant believe this is finally happening Si!" He put his hand on my stomach.
"I can't believe it too."
"Night princess."
"Night Si."

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