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It was 2 days after Christmas. The next big thing to happen was Gracie Mae. I was super nervous but everything was ready for her. Me and Simon were the happiest we'd been in a long time. Gracie was due in one month exactly. She was gonna be perfect. Or so we thought..

It was 01:54 in the morning. Everyone was asleep. I had these really sharp pains in my stomach. Then it felt like I had wet the bed. I woke up in agony. My stomach was killing me.
"What the hell?" I said as I sat up. The bed was wet. But it wasn't pee. It was water?
"Simon! Simon!" I tried to wake him up.
"Yes babe?" He said in that god damn sleepy voice.
"Something is happening! I'm scared." He sat up to see the water in the bed.
"Do you have any pain in your stomach?" God it was sexy when he spoke all smart.
"Yeah Si. How did you know?"
"Did you never do sex ed? Never mind we need to go!" Simon said he went to get a suit case and some of my clothes.
"What's going on Simon? I'm scared."
"Gracie's coming! We need to pack for the hospital as soon as possible!" We rushed packing my things in a bag and hurried out the door. There was no time to tell anyone where we were going so we left a note on the table. It was terrifying.
"Simon!" I cried
"Don't worry we're almost there!"
"But. The baby. She's early. A month early. Shes gonna be so sick and poorly." I cried
"But no matter what we will love her." He said. He had a tear in his eye. I know he was just as scared as I was.
Simons POV:
We arrived at the hospital. I acted like I was brave and not worrying but I was in bits inside. What if Gracie doesn't make it? What if she's too poorly to live?
I grabbed Harley's hand as they took her into the room where she was about to give birth. It was really weird to watch. We were there for a couple of hours. And finally on the 27th of December 2016 my beautiful brave fiance gave birth to my beautiful little girl. I cried. But it was tears of happiness. She was beautiful. Because I was the only one there I had to cut the cord thing. It was gross but I didn't mind. I was expecting them to give me or Harley the baby but instead they ran out the room with her..
"Quick quick quick! We need to go quick! I'd say we've only got 10 minutes to save her." One of the doctors shouted whilst the other one opened doors for the main doctor. While one nurse stayed with us.
"What's happening?" I cried
"Where are they taking our baby?" Harley sobbed
"I don't want to worry you but usually babies don't survive being born so early. The nurses have gone to make your little girl better."
"What?" Harley cried.
I moved onto the bed with Harley. She rested her head on my shoulder. We both cried in each other's arms. This was horrible. I didn't want to lose our baby. Not again.
Harley POV:
Simon and I waited for hours. The thought of not knowing if my baby was dead or alive killed me. Me and Simon were hugging for ages. Until the midwife had came in.
"We have bad news."
"Your baby is alive but she's very sick. She has to stay in the hospital for a week or so."
"You scared us!" Simon said angrily.
Then the other midwife came in but this time with Gracie Mae. She was gorgeous. She put her in my arms. I was really worried about holding her. I didn't want to break her. She was so fragile. She was so small in my arms. I was so happy that she was here yet so sad about her being ill.
"Simon? Do you want to hold her?"
"Of course!" He said. He picked her up from my arms and held her perfectly.
"Hello Gracie Mae! I'm daddy! And I love you very much! I'm so happy your with us! You gave me and mummy a scare when we thought we lost you!"
"Your a natural." I joked. Simon and Gracie sat on the hospital bed with me. Then the midwife came in.
"So there's a possible chance that you can go home with Gracie today! As long as you feed her this special milk and put in a drop of vitamin drops you'll be OK to go in an hour or so?"
"Yes!!" Simon said.
"All you need to do is fill out the birth certificate!"
She passed Simon and I the paper. We had to fill out the following:
Gracie Mae Minter
Date of birth:
27th of December 2016 at 5:01 am.
Harley Rowland (soon to be Harley Minter) and Simon Minter
One month premature.
Gracie Mae was precious. She was gorgeous. We were aloud to take the baby home today but we needed a car seat and a pushchair. So Simon left me here while he brought one. While he was gone all I did was stare into Gracie Mae's beautiful eyes. They were big and blue. Just like her dad's. When Simon arrived I was ready to go. Me and Gracie were at reception with our bags and stuff.
"Ready to go princesses?" Simon said
"We're ready! Aren't we Gracie?" I smiled at Gracie. She looked like a perfect mixture of me and Simon. I guess that's what she was. Simon out her in her new carrier/car seat and put her in our car. Me and Simon drive home. By the time we came back (09:30) everyone was awake. They were all eager to see the baby. Even JJ. Tobi and Lia and Jay Jay had even came round to see the baby!
"Wow! She is adorable! I hope ours looks like this Tobi!" Lia said
"Aw! She looks like you!" Sara said
"Nah I think he looks like Simon!" Vikk said
"She's adorable!" Emma said
"She's so small!" Said jay jay.
"I can't wait for ours to come Lia!" Tobi said
"Aw! She's so cute!" Kay said
"I want a baby..." JJ said. We all looked at JJ. Jj had always said he didn't want children. So we were all pretty shocked.
"What?" Sara said in disbelief.
"I know you can't have children Sara but why don't we get someone to have it for us?" JJ and Sara went upstairs to talk about it and me and Simon were left with Gracie. We spoke to her and played with her. She was perfect. And just what me and Simon wanted!

 And just what me and Simon wanted!

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