S k a t e (Cute)

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@Angel_Kitty218 asked for:

A trip to the skating rink!!

I'm so excited to do this because I was a practicing figure skater for a few years, and could to turns, jumps, and all those strange tricks.

Then  I moved to my current house, and the skating rink was too far away to logically go there about twice every week.

Sorry I haven't been updating! <3 I feel bad about it ;*; 

Been going through emotional struggles lately.

Problems socializing with others, etc. 

I'm good now, though.


Your eyes locked onto the skeleton beside you, his head sleepily rested on your shoulder, a movie flickering before you.

You decided to let him sleep, until his breaths became ragged, and below his closed eye-socket there was a soft blue hue, flashing yellow every now and then.

"Sans..." You whispered, pressing your lips to his forehead, "You need to wake up."

You tapped his shoulder.

He jerked awake, and his eyes flashed black.

"huh-" they returned to normal.

"You were having a bad dream."

He glanced forward, and leaned more heavily on you.


You shook your head, and brushed your fingers over his skull.

"It's okay."

"what time is it?"

"Um...'bout 6:00"

He shrugged, then nodded.

"go get ready."

"What we gonna do?

"...it's a surprise."

You laughed,softly, "Alrighty, comedian, want me to invite the others?"


"How come?"

"what? you don't want to go on a date?" 

A smile lit your face.

"Oh..! Of course." 

You paused, "Is it cold outside?"




"Since when?"

"since now."

You looked out the window, white powder daintily covered the road, and the sidewalks.

You smiled, "Snow's beautiful."

"i hope we don't get snowdin, though."

"Nice one."

"they're all nice ones." he grinned.

You went into your closet, pulled out your long, grey coat, your woolen black hat, and your long, black scarf to match, you shrugged them on, wrapping the scarf neatly around your neck.

"C'mon sansy boy."

"that's a new one."

"Indeed it is, Comic."

"i think i like 'comic' the best." He grabbed a bag from nearby the door.

"I thought you might." you smiled, and you tucked your gloved fingers around his, interlocking them.

It was weird to hold hands any other way.

"Where we goin', again?" You asked, as he led you out the front door.

"a surprise."

"Alright, MISTER-y (mystery)"

he chuckled.

He led you through a few trees, and then into a clearing, at the center of which was a frozen pond.

"skating?" Sans asked, his eyes glancing up toward you.

You shrugged, "Sure." 

He dumped out the bag, containing ice skates. 

He slipped off his shoes, and put on a pair of darkly colored skates, and then handed you some white ones.

"mine are from snowdin. yours are from one of the surface shops." he explained.

You laced up the ivory white skates.

"You know, I've never skated before."

He looked at you strangely.


You shrugged, and he helped guide you onto the ice.

He held your hand, having you step on the ice, carefully.

The lake, or rather, pond, thankfully was quite shallow, and so practically solid.

(probably not how ice works but let's pretend.)

You felt the edges of the blades, the inner and the outer, gently rocking on the sides of your ankles.

"the inner blade is what you want to be on when you're trying to invert yourself, or go in a circle,  but your outer blade is what you want to be on if you're trying to stop. try to stay in the middle at the other times."

(let's see if I remember how this works.)

He brushed his blade forwards.

"that's how you stop. tilt the skate the slightest bit forward, and diagonally. you should feel the blade catching the ice and giving way."

He continued, and guided you forward, "feel your feet balancing on the blade like it's an extension of yourself, you're using it to propel yourself forward, you've seen movies, you brush backwards and diagonally the slightest amount to go forward, like walking, but exaggerated." 

He demonstrated.

after a few minutes of trying, it wasn't so hard to keep up with him.

(note that professional skates are a lot easier to maneuver and learn to than those cheap plastic rental ones.)

"now, to turn, you can use the ice pick in the front of your skate and dig it into the ice, spinning on it. try just doing a pivot."

and so you did.

"turning while moving is easier, in most cases, just lean slightly on the blade toward the direction you want to go, making sure to stay upright, and balanced as you can."

You nodded, and gentle grabbed his hand.

"How'd you learn all this?" you asked.

He shrugged, "had to figure it out."

You chuckled, "You're smart, y'know that?"

"you are too."

"Just take the compliment."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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