S k e l e t o n S o n g (Happy)

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(The above song is Skeleton Song by Kate Nash. It's pretty adorable.)

You were sitting down on the couch when a knock came at your door.

"Come in."

"You're supposed to say who's there, try again."

knock knock

"Who's there?"


"Skeleton who?"

"Ready to have a skele-TON of fun?"

"Sans, what are you doing here? I thought you hated being up on the surface?"

"It's okay. Grillby moved up here- so I'm running out of excuses."

"Oh my god."

He winked.

"What's that song?"


You looked at the T.V. it was playing YouTube.

"Oh- um... heh, don't laugh, okay?"

"I'll try not to...?"

"Skeleton song."

He bursted out laughing, and you rolled your eyes.


"Oh well- um- nope!" You shut off the T.v. before the song got to the middle part.


"It's not very nice."

"Unlike you?"

"I dunno."

He had the remote in his hand.

"Oh my god- Sans no!"

I take a hammer

and I creep out of bed

and I raise it high 

and I sma-a-a-sh your



and tibula

and ribs and cages


in fact while I'm here I'll smash the whole of you

You looked at  Sans, who sat down on the couch, expression unreadable.




you are 

my friend.

And I could never

 bring your life 


 an end.

"Sing it."

"I-I can't sing."

"You were going to..."

"I- no..."


"Don't laugh, please!"


"Yes, skeleton you are- you are my friend."

"And I will be there for you until...



"And even though,

when I take



you've got me

you've got me standing

in an 

awkward position


unwanted attention

and a need for 


i could

I could never let you go.

And that is all I know.

And that is all I know.

And that is all I 

that is all I know

that is all I know.


He smiled, as he always did, but his eyes smiled, too. The little dancing orbs landed on you.

"Don't laugh!" You shouted.

"I wasn't going to for once."


"You sing nice."

"No I don't."

"I've never been a good singer."


"I don't have cartilage or muscle so I don't have a diaphragm. So I can't sing. How I can talk is a mystery."


"You know why we couldn't be a plant?"


"'cause there's only one pair of lips between us."


"to be a plant you need tulips."

you laughed, and rested your soft hand on his cold one.

"How do you stay together without muscles?"

"Good question. I'm going to bet it's magic."


"You know what else is magic?"


"The fact that out of all people and monsters in the world you thought I was good enough."

"You're not 'good enough' Sans."

You thought his smile seemed to fall.

"You're perfect."

He looked toward you, wonder in his floating irises.

"You know I was thinking about it last night."


"How could I kiss you if you didn't have lips?"

He said nothing, looking away, perhaps he would've been blushing if he had blood to blush with.

"Well, then I thought- what if I just-"

You pressed your lips, to his skull, bumping your nose gently on the side of his ivory  head, he seemed to freeze.

He didn't seem to know what to do, just kind of sat there, a nervous grin plastered to his face.

"Hello? Earth to Sans, do you read me?"



"Guess... well uh..."

"Are you struggling to think of a joke?"

"No, never."

"Cat got your tongue?"

"I actually have no tongue, we went over this."

He smiled to you, a bright white grin.


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