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Naww we not getting married (YET) but the surprise I got for her gone blow her mind. Its her father she haven't seen him since she was 9 years old. So we sitting down eating its getting late so we getting ready to leave her son hopped in the car like I'm going with y'all so we pull off get home take him a bath in put him in the bed. me in Zoe sitting in the living room in she sit on my lap in kiss me in told me she love me so she goes to get in the shower. She takes off her clothes in have on her bra only she walk pass me teasing me so I grab her but she moved my hand so she gets in the shower in took a hour long ass shower so after she gets out I'm ready to get in I took a 30 minute shower then when I get out bae laying there with my shirt on with no underwear on she tells me to come so I go over there she start kissing me so I pick her up then kiss her back she stated touching me in rubbing me so I lay her down I'm going in then her son call her😭😭😭brah I was mad but we got to go check on our son so after he go back to sleep. We both tired so we go back to bed I kiss he good night.

The next morning we get up I go wake up chase. We go brush our teeth why Zoe still sleeping so I find chase some clothes his Gucci foamposites with some true religion jeans with his Gucci belt in his Gucci shirt with his gold chain with the gold watch so I go back to the room Zoe is fixing her hair getting ready for class she put on her true religion jeans her Gucci foamposites with her Gucci belt with her Mk watch so I got to be Gucci down to so I get dressed we leave out to get some food cause I know all us hungry so we go to I hop so why we there this snake that I didn't want to see come take our order (o yes I recorded my first album it hit #1 in Ashton is taking orders at I hop funny right) back to it so I get 3 pancakes with eggs in my baby's order eggs in sausages with orange juice so after that Ashton starts saying she heard my music in how good it was in how she sorry bout everything I told her I'm cool but I don't trust you no more so I told her to leave me alone in I'm done with the conversation so after we eat I pay then we take chase to school then we head to class I got math in bae got English its crazy cause me in her studying medicine . So after class we meet up cause we got science together so we sit down together after that class we go to buy lunch cause we got eat at chase school with him so we arrived there he was happy to see us there we sit down eat then sign him out early to go to the youth fair .

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