Letter 5
Dear E,
You were definitely something else. You are one of the funniest people I have ever met. Your acts of pure stupidity astound me, and your high intelligence stuns me.
People act as if you're mentally challenged but you aren't. They haven't seen the way you work around and through problems like you've been doing it all your life. And, I won't tell you who, but I know for a fact that there is a beautiful human out there who is so caring, loving, kind, and smart who is in love with you. You should find this person before it's too late and you've lost your shot. The final thing that I want to say to you in this letter is that I know that people think you're less than them. And I of all people know that people don't see how harsh their jealous words can be to someone. I'd just like to tell you not to accept their words. That's the mistake that led me to writing these letters.
Take care, and keep searching for that person,