Family? They're Fine

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I decided to wake up pretty early today so I had an hour of cleaning time to clean for the school. Well, more specifically, fifty minutes because if I'm going to attend my classes I need to be ready for them of course. I was cleaning because I needed to make the place look nice if I was going to live here. I have to do something, and I'm not going to wait around for someone to tell me to do it.
Alright, now just to get changed into a janitor's suit. I believe Kaede left a suit in my closet. It's kind of weird calling a principal by his first name instead of his last. He was older than me, after all, but still not by too much. Only about ten years, which isn't actually that long. He even looked a bit younger than his actual age, if I hadn't been informed beforehand about this I would've guessed his age to be twenty three, at highest, twenty four.
In which case he wouldn't be much older than me. But anyway, I have a job that I need to get done before all of the people get to school.
After getting dressed into my lose fitting janitor suit, I swiftly walked out of my room, into the main hallway and ran down the gray concrete stairs into the lower basement of the school building.
I technically got up an hour before school was even open, so it gave me much less of a risk of being seen by fellow students. While I didn't need to keep my living here a secret, gossip about why I was living here would spread like a wildfire. If I did tell them the actual reason, people would probably feel sorry for me and I'm afraid I just didn't want people feeling that way towards me. It was unwanted, and people shouldn't want or need to get into business anyway.
Walking down the slightly dusty and slightly dirty hallway, I stopped in the middle and opened the janitor's closet. I pulled out a broom and dust pan and started making my way down the halls, sweeping fast but completely and thoroughly.
After a some time, I started to think about my family that I had. I would always sweep the kitchen with my dominant hand on top, non dominant one on the bottom, like now. I would remember either my mom or my sister coming in sometimes and saying, "You don't have to sweep for hours!" in a joking manner because I always tend to work a little longer than is needed for the task.
Then a while little later, I started to feel..kind of hot. Like I was sweating a bit on my forehead. W-was this the suit I was wearing? Okay, granted, it was a little big on me but I didn't feel heavy or anything. That couldn't be it then.
A bit of a time after, my stomach started to feel hot. Like internally, not my skin or anything, from the inside. Sometimes I feel that way when I'm embarrassed. I remember my mom always told me that she would feel that way sometimes too. That might sound a bit weird, but you know, memories.
Trying to shake off this feeling I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I must really be out of shape or something, huh? Just keep working, and it'll probably go away. I'll be feeling fine in no time.
Still after a few minutes, I started feeling slightly dizzy. Not by much, but still, honestly just how out of shape was I?? Is this a–
Not even finishing my thought, I closed my eyes and plunged into darkness.
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I heard a voice call my name as I only saw black. The voice I heard was fuzzy and distant, but still comforting, and I tried to reach out to it. Though I still saw nothing but darkness, if that makes any sense.
All of the darkness went away as I started to...what? Wake up? Was I fricking asleep this whole time?? Uh oh. Oh no, what about my cleaning stuff I gotta do?!
"(Y/n)!! Please, please be okay!" I heard a high pitched, but still male voice say. I opened my eyes fully and saw someone's face extremely close to my face. It was Nagisa's worried one, looking at me from a fairly close distance. His eyes were filled with concern as they met mine.
I let out a little squeak from the closeness of his face and mine. He backed up–finally out of my personal face-space. But that didn't last too long as I saw his face turn into a joyful one complete with a smile. Or, it almost looked like a..a smirk?
In one, swift movement he picked me up from what I was laying on, gave me a big hug-squeeze and spun me around a little until I was beginning to feel somewhat dizzy again.
"Sh-sheesh Nagisa put me down or else!" I warned, still being spun around a little.
He giggled. "Or else what?" he said, sounding fairly innocent but still had this sort of lingering...teasing kind of tone in his question.
I just sighed, frustrated as he gave me one last hug and set me down on to the thing I was laying on previously.
Now being set down and not being spun around like a careless child would with a rag doll, I noticed my surroundings. I sitting on a white, long padded bench-like thing that was a bit ripped. The tile below me was completely made up of white, and across from me was a desk with papers laying on it, but still fairly organized with a white spinny chair facing it. The walls around me were completely painted white, and I saw little medical posters scattered around in no particular order. In almost the complete corner was a metal chair and a stool, and next to it on the center wall was a metal sink with hand soap. Still on the right wall, moving up, was a counter table with a few cabinets above it, white of course. The counter had some jars of whatever medical stuff is in it on the counter. To my right in the corner was a door.
This could only mean I was in the school nurse's office, with no school nurse currently present. There was, however, a Nagisa Hazuki in front of me and a Kaede walking up to me from his metal chair.
Kaede smiled. "Glad to know you're okay, kiddo," he said as I sat up, looking at them.
This is probably a stupid question, but here goes. "Hey yo, what happened?" I asked them.
Nagisa scratched his behind his neck. "Well, I decided to get here early to school. Then, I was walking down the hall when I saw a heap of blue janitor. Looking closely, I saw it was you and I took you to the nurse, panicked. I'm sure the other kids must've seen it," Nagisa explained.
I groaned mentally. Everybody must have seen us?! How did we look?
"How were you carrying me?" I asked Nagisa.
"How were you carrying me? Over your shoulder, dragging me, what?" I repeated myself.
"Oh! Um, it's called bridal style," he told me smiling. I looked over at Nagisa then sighed. Then I happened to look over at Kaede who was smirking, his eyes darting between Nagisa and I.
Nagisa seemed completely unaware. I groaned.
I face palmed. "So..bridal style? As in prince-saves-princess type style?" I asked cautiously.
Nagisa placed his finger on his chin in a thoughtful way. "Yeah, I suppose, but it's not always a prince carrying a princess," he laughed.
I groaned again. Gosh, I had to have looked like damsel in distress or some fluff. Kaede just laughed and smirked even wider. Wait, couldn't he have done something instead of just letting Nagisa carry me?! Hmm, what a matchmaker. This is just peachy. There isn't even anything going on between Nagisa and I at all!
Looking at both their directions I said, "You two! There isn't anything going on between Nagisa and I at all!" This was mostly directed at Kaede.

Nagisa x Reader(no longer under editing)Where stories live. Discover now