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Nagisa P.O.V. (I'm finally changing povs!!)
"Dear Nagisa, Haru, Makoto, Rei, and Kou," Rei read a loud.
     "Guys, what is this?" I asked fearfully.
     I was at the door of Haru's house. I knocked and heard no answer. I knocked again.
     I sighed. This must be how Makoto felt.
     I opened the door forcefully and made my way in. I went to Haru's room and opened the door, and surprisingly, I found him asleep. Well, not too surprisingly, it is Saturday, but it's a little late. Wouldn't (y/n) have woken him up by now?
     Haru was sleeping peacefully as I made my way towards him.
     I walked over, and leaned in.
     "BOO!" I shouted loudly, as Haru's eyes flipped open and he jumped a little.
I was laughing my head off. "Geez, Nagisa," Haru said with morning voice.
     "Ha! Anyways I came to wake you u–"
     I heard a knock at the door. I told Haru to get up, which he did reluctantly. We made our way downstairs and to the door. I opened it and there stood Makoto.
     He smiled. "I was coming over to see Haru about taking (y/n) to go to swimming practice. I know it's a little early, but the early bird gets the worm, right?" He explained.
     Gross, worms. "Come in Makoto–" Haru began as he started shutting the door, but as he did I saw a foot stop it from closing fully.
Haru opened the door to Rei, who was a little out of breath, and Gou, who was way out of breath. Lol, keeping up with Rei was hard I don't blame her.
"Makoto! You could've waited!" Rei scolded.
He smiled apologetically.
I laughed. "Makoto's the mom, Rei you don't have to scold him!" I said.
"Anyways, we're here for a very important reason," Gou said.
"Hm?" Haru asked.
"That's correct, my fellow swimmers, today is the exact second month anniversary of being friends with (y/n)! Gou–"
"–Makoto, and I made cards!" he explained to us dramatically. Him, Makoto, and Gou held up cards that were all hand made.
Haru looked at all of them. "I don't see the point in all of this. We didn't do anything for a one month anniversary, why the second?" Haru asked tiredly.
"Ah yes, why indeed. Let me explain. It was Nagisa who first introduced us to her, so that's two people, Nagisa and (y/n)," he began, "and when he introduced us to her he was introducing the four of us to her. So–"
"Therefour," I interrupted, winking.
"Ahem, Nagisa, therefore in the next four months we'll have another anniversary," Rei finished.
I groaned. "Not numbers on a Saturday!" I whined.
"So, where is (y/n)? We want to give her the cards," Gou said.
Haru shrugged. "Her room," he answered.
We all walked to her room, and we saw...
No one.
No one at all.
Me and everybody else looked surprised. Why wasn't she here? She was supposed to be here.
I turned to Haru. "When did she get home last night? Did she go anywhere?" I asked worriedly.
He said, "She got home from school, came in, left the house, and then she came back. She said she had just taken a walk and then she went to bed," Haru answered. "It was a bit strange that she didn't wake me up this morning," he added.
Gou's eyes widened. "Oh no," she said quietly.
"What?" Rei asked.
She shook her head. "No, no, no..." she repeated. "It's making way too much sense, I've suspected it all along," she added quietly.
"What? What is it?" Rei demanded.
We all turned to face her. "(Y/n)...I think she killed herself," she whispered, still we could hear her though.
"Why do you think that?" Haru asked. I sensed fear and worry in his voice, surprising for Haru since he doesn't really talk with emotion...I've wondered if he was a robot before.
She drew in a shaky breath. "Guys, here's something that I've never told anyone..." She began slowly.
"I've known someone, back in grade school, that acted almost exactly like (y/n). She even had a tragic accident like hers happen and I-she just...committed suicide one day."
"B-but that was like, a different situation, right? It wasn't recent, we helped her get through that," I pleaded, but I had a point.
"Miss Amakata once told me a quote, it was a while back when I asked her if my friend was suicidal–" she choked a bit.
"–the quote was, 'all it takes is a beautiful, fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you are.' I'm trying to say, what if we never actually helped her? What if she was faking it the whole time?" she proposed.
I looked at her. "No way!" I refused.
Rei gulped. "Of course, Nagisa is right–"
"I am?"
"–(y/n) could just be taking a walk somewhere, or maybe she's just visiting Kaede," Rei finished.
Makoto laughed, and I could sense a bit of nervousness in it. "Of course, we're all jumping to conclusions. Gou just has a speculation, that's all, I'm sure it's it," he reassured us.
I frowned, and stood in silence.
"She called herself a monster so many times.." I said, very quietly. Me and Haru had talked about it in the classes we had together.
"But I'm sure she's–"
"Boys, what is that?" Gou asked, interrupting Makoto. She pointed to the floor next to the bed.
Rei was the first one to walk over there, and we followed.
I don't know what's going on, why isn't (y/n) here?!
I saw that Gou was pointing to a note on the floor next to the bed. Rei got there first, so he picked up the note and started to read.
"Dear Nagisa, Haru, Makoto, Rei and Kou," Rei read a loud.
     "Guys, what is this?" I asked fearfully.
     "The letter says, ahem–
     "You all have been so kind to me. When my family died, you were all so supportive of me. And it means the world to me that you would let me practice with you guys. And Nagisa, our ice cream days were awesome! And Haru, I can't even tell you how amazing it was to be able to live at your house.
     "I think you guys mean the world to me, but I need to tell you something. Yesterday, I found out that Kaede was murdered. Now, this hit me pretty hard since he was a dad to me. So, no Haru, I wasn't just on a walk. I had ran over to Kaede's house, Lisa, the assistant at our school, drove me there.
     "I need to say something to you all. I can't live with this any more. I can't live with the guilt of knowing my brain would try to manipulate itself, and I went completely berserk when Haru told me about it. What if I release my anger on you? I know this must sound selfish–"
     "No (y/n)! You weren't selfish, you were amazing!" I cried.
     Rei sniffled a little. "–considering that it's hard to forget someone. I had thoughts of pain before, but when I saw Kaede's dead body laying on a stretcher, I knew it now. I can't live with myself. I'm the worst kind of person. I want all of you to know that I love all of you. I want you to know that I just left for the woods, the clearing, and by the time you find me I'll probably be dead. Don't come over, but I thought I'd let you know so you don't have to search for me.
      Rei finished talking. By this time, Rei was crying, I was sobbing full on, so was Gou. Makoto was trying to calm Gou down, but was failing especially since he too was crying. Haru had tears slipping through his eyes, and as many times as he brushed them away they kept coming back.
     "Why would (y/n) d-do something like this?!" I cried.
     "She said Kaede died. Nagisa, it..i-it may be hard for us to under, understand, but she must have felt all of her emotions...they all must have come back to her, you know when her f-family died," Makoto tried to explain, but he was having a hard time pulling himself together.
      I was a complete mess. Rei was a complete mess. Gou was an even worse mess. Makoto was a mess, trying to clean itself up. Haru was even a mess. Haru.
     "You guys! She said she was in the woods. I think I know the place," I pleaded.
     Gou sniffled. "B-but there's woods all over the place, how would you know?" she asked.
     "It's where she used to live," I answered.
     "Her house?"
     "No, just come on guys! No time!" I answered, running out of the door and calling for them.
     They followed.
     We reached the clearing she had used to live in. Kaede told me about it.
     "There's no one here, Nagisa," Makoto said.
     He was right, I didn't see anybody. I didn't even see any body. She said she was here, then where was she?!
     Gou gasped. "Guys look!" Gou pointed to the edge of the clearing. We all ran over there, and we found a note.
     "Read the note, Rei," Makoto told him.
     "I understand fully well, that if you are reading this note you probably know who (y/n) is. (Y/n) (l/n). If not, LEAVE. Anyway, I know that (y/n) has set here to kill herself. I was watching, and I stopped her in the nick of time. But it wasn't saving her, I have taken her. Kidnapped her.
"I cannot tell you why unless you find me, which you won't. This note is purely to explain a little further. She is safe, for now, but I can say that she might not be for long.
I am The Killer with Fire. I was the one criminal who burnt her house down, if you don't know that already. If you go to the authorities, you most likely won't find me, tbh.
The Killer with Fire

We were all frozen with shock.
(Y/n) was....

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