Under the Sakura trees

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My name is Yabu Kota. I'm 18 and about to graduate. At first I thought that high school was a waste of time so I never did anything but this spring changed my entire life.

I was just walking to school as the blossoms were blooming and...

"Sami masen (excuse me)?" A girl behind me asked.

"Hai doshitan desuka (yes, what's wrong?)" I asked.

"Etto...how do you get to Horikoshi Gakuen from here?" She asked me.

"Oh you just go this way. If you want we can walk together." I said.

"Oh no I don't want to g-" she began.

"Come one you are going." I said grabbing her arm and leading her to school.


We were actually in the same class and grade and I never knew probably because I don't pay attention to anything.

"Excuse me but what's your name? My name is Ayase Nanami." She asked.

"Yabu Kota."

"Okay Yabu-kun yoroshiku."

"Ah hai yoroshiku." I said and began to walk to my desk.

When lunch came I saw her eating by herself and I though well whatever why not go eat with her she seems nice.

"Do you have any friends?" I asked.

"Well you see I haven't been to school in a year. So, I've been a senior for a year already but since I was in a hospital for more than half the year I had to repeat because I didn't have enough days to graduate." She said.

"Oh so all of your friends have graduated."

"Yes but I consider you my friend." She said giving me a smile that made me blush a little.

"But we only just met."

"It doesn't matter I mean you are eating with me." She said.

"True. I'll be your friend if you want me to."

"Okay." She said.

A few weeks passed and we were best friends. We spent lots of time together at school and for once in my life I actually looked forward to going to school. Then...

"Ayase-chan!!" I shouted as I saw her passed out on the side of the road.

"Hi Yabu-kun. How are you today?" She asked looking like she was about to die.

"What wrong?"

"Oh nothing major it's just that I'm going to die in a few weeks." She said.


"Yep, my sickness got worse and well I'm going to die early." She said.

"But no I love you!" I said and then kissed her.

"I love you too Kota." She said as she got weaker.

I took her to the hospital and she ended up living for another year and so I decided to marry her and make her happy for as long as I could.

"Where is Kota? I have to say goodbye before my surgery." She said. She was getting a transplant to make her better.

"I'm right here." I said walking towards her.

"Well I'll see you after my surgery." She said with her happiest smile.

"O-okay." I said beginning to cry.

"Yabu-san?" The doctor asked pulling me into an operating room making sure my wife didn't see.


"You do realize that you are going to die without this organ right?" The doctor asked.

"I've lived a perfectly healthy life and now I want her to life a life where she doesn't have to live in a hospital." I said.

"Okay." The doctor said.

---After the surgeries---

Ayase's POV
"Where's Kota?" I asked.

"Well..." My mother began.

"I need to tell him I'm better." I said.

"You are better because of him. He was your organ donor." My mom said.

"W-what?! But why?" I said beginning to cry.

"He loved you that's why."

"But I met him under the Sakuras!! I love him!! Why did you leave me Kota?!" I screamed and cried.

I love you too! I heard a when I was by his grave and felt someone hug me.

"Kota!" I shouted as I hugged his spirit.

Take care of our baby okay? He said.

"I will. I love you." I said.

Yep that's right I was pregnant before he died. I met him under the Sakura trees at the beginning of my second senior year and changed his life as he changed mine.

A/N: I'm sorry I just re-watched clannad and thought hey I'll do one like that but I changed it up. The only thing that's the same is the meet up everything else I came up with as far as I know. Anyway thanks for reading an please feel free to comment  bye bye~~

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