Chapter 2

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               No one's POV:
Pinkie was happily skipping home when she saw cheese sandwich. She blushed. Cheese waved to her and she blushed even more. "Hey! Pinkie! Come check this out!" Cheese exclaimed with joy. "What is it?!" Pinkie asked with joy. "A party!!!" Cheese exclaimed. Pinkies eyes lit up. "YAY!!!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed with joy.

Cheese sandwich's POV:
While I took pinkie to the park for the party she smiled at me with cheeks that were a darker shade of pink and bright friendly eyes. So flippin adorable! "So! Want cake?!" She asked me with joy. My eyes lit up! I swear in the name of Celestia this girl knows me so well!! "You know it!" I exclaimed. Pinkie's eyes lit up with joy as she happily hopped over to the cake. I rushed after her. I wasn't gonna miss cake! That's the gold of parties!! Pinkie happily handed me a slice of cake. With blue icing?! And a scooter! Geez! Pinkie you gonna kill me with joy!

"Thanks." I said. "No problem! You cakes the gold of parties with strawberry ice cream!" Pinkie exclaimed with joy. I blushed and so did she. Pinkie's mouth was covered in icing.

Hilarious!! "Pinkie, your covered in icing!!" I exclaimed with joy laughing. "Yay! Now I can lick it!!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes playfully and swung an arm around her.

"Oh! Cheese, who's the party for?" She asked me with a bright smile. "It's spike's birthday." I said returning the bright smile. "Wow! That dragon's growing up!" Pinkie exclaimed with joy.

I chuckled. "Yep." I said.

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