Chapter 1

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              Pinkie pie's POV:
I was happily baking cupcakes at sugar cube corner. I made it past my last record!!! Yay!!!!! I was happy but when I put the cupcakes in the oven, I heard the customer bell ring. It was cheese sandwich. I blushed a little. "Hi cheese! What brings you to sugar cube corner!?" I asked with joy. I noticed his face was a slight shade of pink. Ha! My color yay!! "Just wanted some cupcakes." He answered smiling. I smiled and hopped happily to the oven. The cupcakes were almost done anyway. I gave cheese his cupcakes and bid him goodbye. I seriously have a giggly tingly feeling inside me when I'm around him. I don't know what it is. But if I tell rarity there is no doubt she'll freak out. Ha!! Classic hilarious rarity!

Cheese sandwich's POV:
After pinkie gave me my cupcakes I went out of the bakery. Days have gone by and I can't stop thinking about her. She's so flipping adorable I don't think I can't compete with another pony. I just wish I could tell pinkie how I felt about her. But hey! Cut me some slack! I- I'm new to this stuff, and I really don't wanna mess it up.

No one's POV:
Mr. And Mrs. Cake were coming to work since Fluttershy agreed to watch the foals that day. "Pinkie, you can go home if you want to." Mr. Cake said. "What about the fouls?" Pinkie pie asked in confusion. "Don't worry.Fluttershy is taking care of them." Mr. Cake said. "Ok!" Exclaimed pinkie with joy. With that pinkie pie hopped happily upstairs to her room which was basically her home. She was happy as usual but, she had something on her mind. Or someone. Pinkie seriously needed to think about what that feeling was. She couldn't put her finger on it. Was it a weird feeling of glee? Maybe even an urge to smile more? No. It was neither one of those things. Pinkie pie didn't know what in the name of Celestia it was. Pinkie thought for a second.

"That's how rarity feels around fancy pants....could it be THAT feeling?" Pinkie thought to herself. Pinkie never understood feelings that boys and girls had for each other and all that dating stuff. She didn't care much either. That was Rarity's thing. But when she saw cheese again, she cared and started giving ponies advice on this stuff along with Rarity. "Maybe I should go talk to Rarity. Maybe she can help. Ugh! Then she'll make a big deal out of it and I'll start blushing!" Pinkie thought to herself.

But at this point pinkie didn't really care about what Rarity did. She had to talk to her about this feeling she didn't understand.

Rarity's  POV:
  I was sewing dresses for fun when I heard a knock. I went down to see who it was and it was my friend pinkie. "Hello miss pie! What can I do for you?" I asked with joy. "I need to talk to you about a feeling I don't get." Pinkie said to me. "Alright, what is it?" I asked. "Well there's this boy..." Pinkie started. I started to feel a smile come upon my face but I must contain myself. "And who is this boy??? If I may ask." I said.

"He's been my friend since we were little ponies! And uh I have this weird tingly feeling when I'm around him." Said Pinkie. "I think you like him." I said smiling. Pinkie's eyes widened. "Really?" She asked in astonishment. "That depends on you miss pie." I said. "Ok! Thank you!" Pinkie exclaimed with joy as she happily hopped out the door. Sometimes I wonder why that girl hops. It's pinkie. That's just how she is.

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