Beautiful and depressing

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Everything went great, I have never felt so happy in my life. We went from "Good day, mate" to "How are you, darling". Every day was a day worth having, each minute was worth it.

It's like we were meant for each other. But we were never official. A wanted to wait for the right moment, so we waited and waited. His birthday was just along the way. I was anxious to meet him again. Constantly calling, texting and facetiming. It was all perfect, we were perfect...a little too perfect I suppose.

When his day came, we went out...we had fun, some food and great convos. I actually met his parents, which was very surprising for me, because I get overly shy when meeting parents. I was about to faint, but I kept on smiling and blushing. We made the day memorable, thank god he liked the gift. I tend to spend quite a lot for people who mean something to me.

Two days later, I had to say goodbye. Because my father didn't approve of him, only he knows why...I never got to know the real reason why and I don't think I wanna find out. Because what my dad says goes, even some other family members agreed with my father. I did all I could to save us, but sadly I wasn't strong enough. I let go..I was weak. And of course as always, I'm to blame. A asked for another chance, but there was nothing I could do. We went on and on like this for weeks, more than a month now.

Even though we both moved on, I'll always love him. He really was the best thing I never really had.

A if you're still reading my stories, I hope you live a very happy and healthy life. Don't be so sad, everything happens for a reason. And I guess we'll never know the reason to ours...Goodbye

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