Lord Nelson Street Homicide Still Under Investigation

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Police beg for one young witness to speak up

Merilyn Buell

Liverpool Daily Post

Liverpool, UK - ' At around 21:00 last night, police were flooded with distress calls coming from the Trafalgar Warehouse Apartments Hotel. Residents claimed to hear gunshots firing outside of the deluxe apartment complex.

"It was definitely a frightening moment for all of us," said Merrilee Wendelken, one of the residents. "I can imagine how terrified everyone was."

When authorities arrived, they found the body of a man sprawled on the steps, a cold bluing hand clutching the doorknob. Officers declared him dead at the scene.

"It was almost like he was trying to escape death," said an officer on scene. "It was so eerie, it made me shiver with fright."

Blood samples were collected as well as bullet shell casings found near the scene. All people living at the complex were interview but so far, no leads. That is, except for one young resident who refuses to answer any questions.

Ravenna Deponte-Blythe was seen near the front door at the time of the alleged homicide and was even heard talking with the victim minutes before his death. As of now, she refuses to answer any questions by the authorities and even declined an interview.

"I can understand how traumatized she may be, having been in close proximity with the victim," Chief Inspector Frederick Harrison remarks. "We know she did see something but we can't understand why she won't talk to us. Our interviews are turning into interrogations. We advise her to talk, or we have no choice but to charge her."

According to officers, no weapon was found under Blythe's possession which leads to all kinds of speculation as to her involvement in the homicide. However, as previously mentioned, it is  advised that she comes forward so that any charges against her may be dropped.

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