Chapter 2

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I look around and ask the librarian where I can go and find an adventure. She tells me about an old man with an eye patch who used to be an adventurer when he was younger. She says he might know where you can go on an adventure and directs toward him where he is reading a book about swords.

I ask him "Sir, can you give me your toughest adventure?" Saying toughest because I was sick and tired of reading for so long.

Ahh yes, there used to be an old necromancer in the forest of darkness in an abandoned castle where  he practiced his magic. He has made so many undead creatures that the forest of darkness was named after his creatures. Can you go defeat him?


Accept Quest to kill Zambi the Necromancer?


Yes, I will go defeat this necromancer.


Quest accepted. Rewards will vary based on peformance.


I leave the library and go to a blacksmith where I buy a small dagger for 10 copper coins in case  a monster gets too close to me. With the dagger and the fireball spell I walk into the forest of darkness.

5 minutes into the forest I find a skeleton and I quickly hide behind a tree trying to figure out how I'm going to deal with the skeleton. I look above its head and I see " Skeleton recruit". This is going to be a tough fight with me being only at level 1.

I jump out from behind a tree and use fireball immediately. The small fireball flies toward the skeleton and hits hits him square in his chest. I run up to him and swipe with my dagger. I miss and the skeleton takes out his sword. He swipes down with it and I roll to the side barely dodging it. He runs toward me while I charge up my fireball and shoot it. It hits him and the skeleton finally goes down. I hear a ding* and see that I got the


Dagger Skill


I fall to the ground drenched in sweat and gasping for air. Wow, I really need to exercise more. I look at the corpse and see that the skeleton has dropped some bones and I pick those up. Who knows, maybe I can sell them back in the village.

I continue through the forest until I see the abandoned castle. Suddenly, I'm attacked by two skeleton warriors from behind! I try to fight one of them but the other skeleton sneaks up behind me  stabs me through the chest and then I fall unconscious.

I wake up in a cell  covered in cobwebs and mold and to much surprise to me, no gaping hole in my chest. I look up and see a man outside of the cell wearing a dark robe.

He says "Hello my name is Zambi. I'm sure you have questions about why I've kept you alive.The reason is because I'm growing old and I wish to pass on my knowledge to an apprentice and I see that you have great potential. Would you like to become my apprentice?


Become Zambi's apprentice? (Warning accepting this will fail the quest given to you by the old man)


Accepting this will give me endless knowledge and the ability to raise the undead. I think I'm going to accept it. It seems like a good plan and I will have what I have always wanted; the ability to raise an army and crush all my enemies. MUAHAHAHAH. I accept to become your apprentice.

"Good! Open the cell" he says to the skeleton jailer. Let me show you around. He leads me to the library and starts explaining that all of his knowledge is written into these books. He turns around and raises his arm and says "This is my treasure". I take my chances and throw a fireball at him. He died in one hit and turned to ash. Guess his old body was too weak for my spell. All of the undead that Zambie have raised also turned to ash because their master died.

How could Zambie be so gullible! To think that I would share all of THIS with him. I now have total control of the castle and his library. I go to his library and start reading his books. Soon enough I get a ding*


Congratulations, you have found the hidden class Necromancer! Would you like to switch your class to Necromancer?


I answer Yes and I get a new skill called "Raise Undead" and "Life Absorption

After that I open up my interface to check my abilites.

Fireball: generate a small ball of fire and throw it toward your enemies, causes a burn effect. The ball of fire grows bigger as skill proficiency is raised.

Raise Undead: grants the ability to raise 2 skeleton recruits. As proficiency raises so does the amount and strength of the undead you raise.

Life Absorption: takes health away from enemies and gives health to yourself. As proficiency raises the amount of health you take raises.

Name: Shadow

Profession: Necromancer

Race: Human

Level: 5

Health: 113

Mana: 106


Strength: 13

Agility: 11

Intelligence: 27


Fireball Beginner Level 2, 57%

Raise Undead Beginner Level 1, 0%

Dagger Skill: Beginner Level 1,  25%

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